Part 4

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After the staff had gaped a bit more at their old teacher, they had started to inquire as to where he had been, with an occasional 'NO WAY' and 'THAT'S RAD' thrown in there by the loudest staff member. Aizawa loved him to the ends of the earth, but why are peace and quiet such difficult concepts?

Their teacher was answering questions left and right, all with that smile on his face. Honestly, they were all lucky it was still on his face. When Izuku-sensei wasn't wearing his smile, things escalated fast. Aizawa still remembered the last time he had seen that smile drop off his sensei's face. Kids were crying in the halls, with Izuku-sensei looking down at them with such a disappointed face. And that was the best possible situation for when he dropped his smile.

"So! Class 1-a and 1-b appear to be fine new heroes-in-training! I met with them both either today or yesterday, and while both classes certainly have... odd little things about them, they have so much potential! 1-a even had a sufficient guess as to what my quirk is!"

Vlad King looked a little upset that his class didn't do as well as class 1-a apparently did, but he knew better than to voice such opinions around Iuku-sensei. Their old teacher didn't have favorites, and everyone in the room knew that. Honestly, Aizawa was a little unsure of how that was, there were definitely some that he knew were going to be less troublesome than others.

The bell rang, signifying lunch was over for students as well as teachers. Mic bounded to his feet and started to grab his things, rambling at a volume that only he can. Midnight was right there next to him, still saying something about youth and the joys of being surrounded by it.

Aizawa knew that he didn't have a class in the next hour, he had some time before 1-a took the vote for president and vice president, so he sat there with Izuku-sensei, knowing that his old teacher had something to say to him.

"So you still have the yellow sleeping bag, huh?"

"Never leave the house without it."

"I figured, you always used to be able to take naps anywhere, and I see that nothing has changed on that front. Though I do see the matching rings with Mic, so it appears that a development has been made there."

How did he- no. Nope. Not even going to question it. Sometimes you just had to accept that Izuku-sensei knew things.

"Yes. We have been married since two years after our graduation from UA."

"Congratulations! I always knew that you two would get together. It was honestly a little painful to watch, it was obvious to everyone except the two of you. I think Midnight almost started some kind of poll to bet on when you would start dating."

Aizawa felt the beginning of a blush start to creep up his neck, that was exactly what Midnight would do. He awkwardly shuffled to his feet to go teach that insufferable group of teenagers. They were either very loud, extremely quiet, and one was just... sparkly. That was the only word to describe him.

At least he got Shinso in his class. He wasn't sure what he would do to Vlad if he somehow got his dog-loving paws on his son. Something he was sure Nezu had taken into account when assigning students into classes.

His cell phone gave a ring, the caller ID showing Mic was calling him. He let out a sigh as he answered it. Either there was a bug in the classroom that Mic needed to be removed before his class's eardrums were blown out from him shrieking, or there was some other type of emergency.


Aizawa knew that Mic had to scream, he could hear the shouted questions of the press over the phone, along with the alarm alerting them that someone had infiltrated the campus. He really didn't want to go out there, but he knew that Mic couldn't take them all on his own. He called the cops to remove them from the premises before heading out to deal with the rabid vultures that people call reporters. The green-haired man sitting next to him wished him luck as he headed out. Izuku-sensei couldn't go out to the press for various reasons, one of which being that he wanted to surprise all of his former students who were now pro heroes.

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