Part 57

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Shinso awoke to someone shaking him awake.

"What the...?!" Shinso blindly swatted out with his hand, hitting a slim forearm. "Go away!"

"Nuh-uh-uh," A much too cheerful voice chimed. A feminine voice. "Time to wake up, you lazy little insomniac!"

Shinso bolted up. Even before his vision focused he could tell who it was. "Mina? Why on earth are you in my room?" His hand held the blanket up protectively over his chest. "You're not allowed in here!"

"Oh please," Mina said, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. "It's not like we're going to do anything." She raised her eyebrow at him. "One, you're gay, and two-"

"Hey!" Shinso objected. "You don't know that!"

Mina gave him a pitying glance. "Uh, yeah, I do. I'm pretty sure almost everyone knows."

Shinso stopped just short of a pout. "Ugh. Why are you in here?"

"Just because we have today off doesn't meant that you can sleep all day," she said, cuffing the side of his head gently. "Come on, you've already slept half the day away! Up and at 'em!"

"What even is the time?" Shinso asked, rubbing his hand over his face.

"Too late! You know," She started, a devilish glint in her eyes. "Kaminari would've come and got you but-"

"He had more respect for my personal space?" Shinso said dryly.

Mina cackled. "Sure, if that's what you want to think." She wiggled her eyebrows. "Though I personally thought there was another reason! Wanna guess?"

Shinso groaned, grabbing the pillow he had previously been lying on and throwing it directly at her smug, smirking face. "Leave me alone. I'll be down in a second."

"Okay!" Mina flounced off of the comforter and into the hallway, taking her obnoxious energy and pep with her. He took a longing look at his pillow before halling himself to his feet and shuffling over to his phone. When he opened the homescreen, he wanted to cry.

It was only seven thirty.


After Shinso had managed to wake up at least moderately, he slipped downstairs as quietly as he could. If Mina going out of her way to practically pull him out of his bed was any indication, this morning was going to require coffee before he could physically deal with it.

He made it through the common room with no trouble, but he got spotted by Iida while crossing the threshold of the kitchen. The blue-haired boy hurried over, and Shinso prepared himself to dodge the Hands of Propriety- a nickname that Kaminari and Mina had come up with while giggling a week ago.

"Shinso!" His classmate exclaimed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. His jacket was perfectly pressed even though it was one of their days off, and he looked completely awake. Why is this class filled with so many morning people...?

"I didn't expect for you to get up this early!" Shinso resentfully glared at Mina, but decided not to say anything. As much as he would love to throw the girl under the bus, the following lecture about the importance of dorm rooms divided by sex was too daunting of a prospect.

"Yeah. Speaking of, I really do need some coffee, so I'm just gonna..." Shinso moved to enter the kitchen completely.

Iida blocked his way. "Of course! But I do need to give you some information before anything... unpleasant happens."

Shinso wants to cry. He could deal with the craziness when he was caffeinated, but ambushing him before he'd gotten his fix? That was just cruel.

"Okay, okay, just let me get my coffee-"

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