Part 29

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Todoroki stood in place as his teacher rushed to his injured classmate, watching the green-haired man practically teleport over there in his worry. Uraraka had been hurt in both her arm, and it seemed her leg, though neither of the wounds seemed to be very serious in nature. She would be all right.

"Uraraka, Tsu! Are either of you in any pain? I need to know now if you have any serious wounds that aren't easily visible." All the students eyed their teacher with disbelief. It wasn't that they didn't believe he cared, it was more like they were exasperated with the fact that he was showing so much concern over a little cut and a bruise or two when his arms were practically in pieces.

Did he not even feel it? Todoroki was starting to think that his teacher had been involved in some strange and dangerous things in the past if he was showing apathy to wounds of this severity. Whatever he did in the past, it made his pain tolerance so high that he showed no care or attention to broken bones, and when he had killed the Nomu bakc at the USJ he was completely unperturbed by the brutality he was forced to deal out. There was no way he was just born being able to do that with no remorse. That was a trait that you only got once you lived through some stuff. And given the fact that Izuku-sensei had lived through over 200 hundred years, he had probably seen some stuff.

"Yeah, Izuku-sensei, we're fine. Are you fine though? It doesn't seem like you should be running arou-. Well. It doesn't seem like you should be moving when your arm is like that. Aren't you afraid you'll make it worse?" Uraraka had worked past her disbelief and was now concerned for their teacher, being the kind and thoughtful person that she was. At first he thought that she was slightly off her rocker, but then he just found out that she and Iida were just like that. The two had completely taken Shinso and him under their wing and were now helping them navigate social situations. And that was no easy commitment to make. Not by a long shot.

"Hmm? Oh yes. I'll be just fine. No reason to worry at all. Right now we need to get back to the others and help them, and keep an eye out for any of the other students who were sent into the forest. We haven't run into any of them, and I'm beginning to get worried. Well, we're past beginning, but we really need to get Bakugo out of here right now. If you heard the broadcast, then you know that the villains are after him and he should stay away from all of the fighting." Izuku-sensei had fished some bandages out of one of his pouches during the conversation, and was neatly and efficiently wrapping Uraraka's wounds. The gauze stretched just a little, enough that it was effective in stopping the blood from leaking out.

"Izuku-sensei, I don't see Bakugo. Is he supposed to be with you?"

Todoroki felt himself pale and quickly turned to look behind himself. And Uraraka was right, nobody was there. That meant that either Bakugo had run right back into the action, completely ignoring them when they said to stay safe, or that he had been taken while they were distracted. Judging from the lack of cursing, he was going to go with the latter. Bakugo wouldn't dare disobey Izuku-sensei. The disappointed puppy stare would do him in.

"Looking for this...?"


Yaoyorozu dodged as the gigantic Nomu thundered behind her, sending some of her fellow hero course students flying. She had met a few of class 1-b in the forest, as well as some of class 1-a, and together they had been distributing the gas masks that weren't really needed anymore. The gas had cleared away, but they stuck together. And she was glad they did, because she doesn't think that she could handle a villain like this on her own.

Her hair had flown down from its usual high ponytail, and it was flying haphazardly around her face. Several strands had torn on the forest around her, and she just knew it was going to be a pain to brush it all out again. She would be lucky if her mother didn't insist on her taking an impromptu trip to the hairdresser right after this trip was over. That is, if they survived...

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