Part 21

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Shinso slinked into the kitchen, the smell of fresh coffee drawing him like a moth to a flame. He had insomnia just like his dad, so he was up until well past when he was supposed to be asleep, barely getting enough sleep to function properly for the day. So really, it was just like his usual. He got out his custom made mug that his papa had given him for his birthday that said, 'Some things are better left alone... like me'. His dad had one that was similar saying, 'The more people I meet, the more I understand serial killers'. He had a lot of fun picking at Shinso and his dad for their introverted ways. It was also sweet that he got them customized coffee mugs, though.

His papa was standing at the stove making pancakes, the soft sizzle as more batter hit the pan reaching Shinso's ears. Behind him, his dad slid into the chair, holding onto his coffee cup like it was the last thing tethering him to the mortal plane. His papa whistled as he dropped two plates down in front of them, ever the morning person. Shinso sighed as he bit into one of the pancakes, him and his dad not saying anything until they have had at least one large cup of their coffee. Once they did, it was still silent, it was just now his papa knew they weren't going to outright ignore him if he asked them anything.

"So! How did you sleep, Hitoshi?" Shinso just glared at him, his eye bags becoming even more clear in the soft kitchen lighting. Present Mic coughed, not even bothering to ask his husband. Honestly, he should really have learned by now: never ask an insomniac how their night went and expect a positive response.

"Ahem. So you have your class trip to the mall in a week, right? Is there anything you need before you go to the training camp?"

"Just a new duffel bag and probably some bug spray. I already have a sleeping bag and everything else I need." Shinso closed his eyes for a moment, not really paying attention to what he just said.

But his dad did catch something. "Isn't that sleeping bag the one that's pretty much the same as mine?"

"Yeah, Hitoshi. You said you didn't want your classmates to know that your dad was your teacher, so wouldn't having almost the exact same sleeping bag as your dad be a dead giveaway? I'm pretty sure they've seen that sleeping bag more than his actual body." His dad's hair flew up and he glared at his papa, but that didn't faze the blonde-haired man at all. No, he just reached over and played with one of the floating strands, smiling. Blegh. Shinso had to look away. Ew, affection.

Shinso had ended up in class 1-a instead of 1-b for one reason and one reason alone: Vlad King is a dog person. And no, that is not the full story, but it summarizes why it started pretty well. Principal Nezu decided that since the random draw for who would be in which class placed Shinso in class 1-a, he could be allowed to switch over to 1-b if he didn't want to be in the same class as his dad. Shinso and his dad had shared one look, and in that look they agreed almost telepathically that hiding their relation was much better than being stuck in the classroom of a dog-lover. And not just any dog-lover, Vlad King. Shinso is not even sure why there seems to be a rivalry between his dad and the poor-color-schemed teacher, but he decided it was much simpler to just not be in that class.

Shinso looked up and saw his dad smirking, then looked over at his papa and saw the look of apprehension on his face. Shinso turned back to his dad with a smirk of his own, Mic burying his face in his hands and whispering, "There is no stopping them, just let it be Mic, let it be."

"Hitoshi, the main reason you didn't want your class to know I was your father right away is that you didn't want to have to deal with the annoyance of having them be jerks about it. Now that you know them, would you say that anyone other than Mineta would do that?" Shinso shook his head, not really getting where he was going with this. "Then why don't we have a little fun? You said Todoroki already asked if you were my," Now his dad sighed, "Secret love child, so why don't we take advantage of the fact that they are already suspicious and mess with them?"

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