Part 8

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Uraraka was chatting with Ida, waiting for the bell to ring. Aizawa-sensei told them to spend the last 5 minutes of class however they like, unless it involved being noisy or making explosions. He was looking directly at Bakugo when he said that, and the blonde just gave a sharp 'tch' before leaning back farther in his seat. However, despite his unfriendly demeanor, it wasn't long before Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima flocked over to him. No matter how much he protested against the company, she saw his expression soften a bit when the redhead slung an arm around his shoulder.

The long brrring of the school bell cut through the chatter of the class. Chairs squeaked against the floor as everyone hurried to pack up, grabbing their bags and heading toward the door. The door was shoved open, but the students of class 1-a didn't make it past the doorway. A crowd of students had gathered in the hallway, blocking their way out. Uraraka didn't have a good feeling about this...

"What's going on?!"

The class of 1-a was all looking out the door nervously, chattering amongst themselves. Bakugo pushed his way through his fellow classmates to the front, glaring as he did so

"Tch. Makes sense those extras would swarm toward our class, with the villain attack and all."

Uraraka was anxiously tracking Bakugo with her eyes as he finally shoved his way to the front. He stared down the other students with one of the most sour expressions that Uraraka had ever seen. But she was starting to think that was just his face?

"No point in just standing around. Move aside, cannon fodder."


She knew that Bakugo had more of a... difficult personality... but wasn't calling them cannon fodder going a bit too far? The rest of the class thought so as well, with Ida standing there with the horrified expression she had ever seen on his face.

"BAKUGO!!! Can we PLEASE refrain from calling others cannon fodder?!"

The unfamiliar students were growing more agitated, coming closer to their class. Uraraka noticed Shinso standing farther back with an even more unreadable look on his face than usual. Her attention was thrown back when the newcomers spoke.

"So this is class 1-a, huh? I expected more from those who are in the top hero class. Those of us who didn't make it into the hero course got stuck in the other tracks, but we have a way in through the sports festival. If we perform well, we get moved up, but the opposite goes for you."

Uraraka wanted to leave the classroom, but the flood of students in front of her prevented her from doing so. They were all looking at them with some form of resentment, which probably had something to do with what one of them said earlier about not getting into the hero course.

This crazy looking guy with white hair and a ripped physique stepped forward, right next to where the other newcomer was. He didn't seem like the others. He didn't have such a resentful air to him. The gleam in his eyes was intense.

"HEY! 1-a! I'm from the hero class next door. I heard you guys fought villains, and maybe at first I came here to see if I could find out more, but right now all I can see is this arrogant bastard! Don't make fools of us in the hero course!"

The guy walked away, with Ida and Uraraka standing up straighter at his words. She was really starting to feel the pressure now. The rest of the class, save a few, had stressed looks on their faces too, all of them obviously taking his words to heart. Bakugo just scoffed, something that made Ida's eye twitch. Shinso still had his unreadable expression on, but his shoulders seemed a little tighter, and his hands clenched slightly. It worried Uraraka a little.

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