Part 23

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Shinso leaned back in the farthest corner of the water, trying to avoid as much of the conversation as he possibly could. He never really understood why people would talk while they were bathing. In Shinso's opinion, this was one of the most uncomfortable situations one can be found in. Why would they go out of their way to talk to one another? It was crazy.

And what was even more disgusting was Mineta. The little grapevert was staring at the giant dividing wall between the boys and the girls, and Shinso really didn't want to know what was going on inside his head. If he ever did find out, he swears he would drown his brain in as much bleach as he could get his hands on.

Now Ida had noticed Mineta salivating over the tall wall, and Shinso could tell that a serious scolding was incoming. He smirked in the shadows and sank down even further into the warm water. If nothing else, this would be entertaining to watch. You might never want to have to deal with the annoyance of Ida lecturing you, but seeing others have to cope with his well-intentioned rants was hilarious. At least in Shinso's opinion.

"Mineta! What are you doing? This is no way to treat the girls of our classroom. Why would you disrespect them and yourself by choosing to do something like this? Do you truly believe that these are the actions of a true hero? This is just disgusting and degrading, and it is becoming much too believable that you would engage in this sort of activity. What use is it to you to do this sort of behavior? What do you gain by doing this? Do you have that low of an opinion of yourself?" While Ida was ranting non-stop about Mineta's inappropriate behavior, Mineta had been becoming even more engrossed with the wall, and was starting to move closer.

Ida's eyes got comically large as Mineta pulled off the purple balls from his head and raised them to the wall, quickly scaling the tall structure. Alright, so this may have been amusing when Mineta wasn't actually doing anything, but now he should really be stopped. Right when he neared the top of the wall, the same little kid from before that had punched Bakugo in the crotch, then walked away while Kirishima held the angry blonde back, was there. He looked down at Mineta before shoving him down, making Shinso snort at the horrified expression on Mineta's face.

No one stopped and helped Mineta when he hit the ground. If he was going to do that, then nobody was going to raise a finger. Kaminari even looked down at him and said, "Not cool bro, not cool at all." Kaminari's hair was a whole lot less spiky when it was wet, and the black bolt was practically gone. And it was rare you got to see him actually look mad, but he was glaring down at Mineta a bit, probably because Mina was on the other side of the wall. Those two had a weird... sibling sort of relationship? All of the Bakusquad did, really. Except for Bakugo and Kirishima. Those two had something else going on that nobody really wanted to interfere with. They weren't eager to die.

Looking back up at the kid, Shinso saw his face turn incredibly pink and his eyes widen as far as they could go, before he fainted and started to drop down. Shinso's heart pounded as the kid dropped to the ground, several people calling out to grab him. It was one thing to let Mineta hit the ground, but none of them were going to let a kid fall down. Shinso knew he wasn't going to make it in time, he was too far away. He could only watch as the kid got closer to the ground, then closer, and closer, until...

Shoji caught him, deftly grabbing him with his many hands. The entire pool let out a sigh of relief and sunk down an inch farther. The kid was passed out, but that was probably from the shock of falling so quickly. Even so, they hould probably take him to Mandalay to be checked out.

"I'll take him." Shinso would do whatever he could to get out of here as quickly as possible. He was tired, and the last thing he wanted was to spend more time with the others. He liked them, don't get him wrong, but he just couldn't spend all day with them without getting worn out from the constant interaction. He would take whatever chance he got to be alone. Again, nothing personal there.

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