Part 44

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Iida sits down with the rest of his class in Izuku-sensei's classroom, quietly working through a new article. It was actually quite interesting, about a new study that may prove the existence of having a quirk that is both a mutation and emitter type. Occasionally, they would do activities like this. Izuku-sensei always said that if you didn't know what an analysis meant, then you took away half of its value.

'Calling Izuku Midoriya down to my office.' The intercom rang, disturbing the lovely silence of the classroom. Izuku-sensei glanced up before nodding at the corner of the room like he was responding to someone and standing up.

"Alright... Iida, I'm placing you in charge while I run down to Principal Nezu's office. I'll be back before the end of class, just make sure you finish the article before then. We'll discuss it next class period." With that, he strode out the door.

"...What do you think Nezu wanted to talk to him about?" Uraraka asked with a small amount of trepidation.

"His last name is Midoriya?" He sees Sero mouth.

"Who even knows," Mina said dismissively. "It's probably something about class plans or something similar."

"Maybe," Todoroki said. "But Principal Nezu has a reputation for being very... Well, he's smart, and he gets bored. I think Kaminari and Mina know just how scary he can be."

Both of them shivered and nodded their heads, likely thinking back to the final exam they had. Iida hadn't seen it first-hand, but he had heard that Kaminari and Mina were pretty much running for their lives the entire time while Nezu was cackling like a madman. Mouse? Dog? Bear?

"Yeah," Kaminari gulps. "I do not want to be Izuku-sensei right now."

The class continues to joke around, and the only reason Iida doesn't lecture them on doing their work is because it was a very short article and he could make sure they did it before bed because of the dorms. It really was a great idea to have them instated. As expected of the top hero school in the country!

"Wait, what's this?" Iida looks at Yaoyorozu who's pointing at Izuku-sensei's desk. Looking closer, Iida can see a notebook lying on the wood. It's one that he's seen the teacher scribbling in before, usually while hanging out in the shadows of their heroics class.

"Well, let's see." A floating top that Iida assumed was Hagakure's made its way over to the notebook and held it in the air.

"Hagakure, no! We must respect our teacher's privacy and-!"

"Oh my All Might!" Uraraka gasped.

Come on, focus. Don't let your curiosity...

"What is it?" Dang it, Iida. This is not the behavior of a class president.

The class shuffled to the side and let him see what was written. He had to stifle an exclamation when the inside was finally revealed. There were lines and lines of writing, all of it tiny and curling around the edges, like he tried to get as much script in there as possible before he had to move to the next page.

"Well... it's not unlike Izuku-sensei to be writing so much. While I agree it may look a little... unsettling," More like it looks like a crazy person wrote it. "I'm sure that Izuku-sensei-"

"Uhh... Iida?" Kaminari said with a stuttering laugh. "We weren't looking at that. Look at what he actually wrote in here."

Taking a closer look, Iida realized that they were notes about them, about their entire class. Flipping through the pages, he could see that there were also detailed sketches of their hero costumes and possible support gear, as well as notes for those. His eyes grew wider and wider, gulping nervously at some of the weaknesses written down.

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