Rainbow in the Dark

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AnnMarie's POV 

Moving sucks. No matter how many times I've done it, it never gets easier and honestly the excitement gets old. When I pulled up to the little trailer I purchased in Hawkins I felt my heart flutter with the hope that I wouldn't need to move for a very long time. 

My grandpa had passed away of brain cancer and had left me as the sole beneficiary of his life's savings and assets and though that sounds extravagant, for a tool and dime maker that doesn't always mean much. He was my favorite person and with his dying wish he took care of me. I used the money he left me to buy a home in the town he had grown up in. I missed him so much and this was the one way my heart felt closest to him after he was gone. 

My trailer wasn't much, and she needed some work, but my pop had taught me a lot and I had no doubt I'd be able to fix it up over time. I smiled to myself as I unpacked boxes, Black Sabbath playing over my stereo. I had the windows open and most of my furniture was in place already. The house was coming along really well for only having been moved in for two days. I didn't have a lot to unpack yet, but we would get there. As I was going through photos and deciding which ones to put up on the wall a knock came from my door. 

Opening the door, Max stood on my porch smiling. 

"Hey!" she beamed.

"Hi Max." I met Max the night I moved in. She had fallen off of her skateboard onto my yard as I was paying the movers and they were leaving with my moving truck. I ran to help her, and she stubbornly brushed me off insisting she was alright and turning red all over. She reminded me a lot of myself. So much so that I laughed out loud and found myself offering for her to sit on my porch and have some watermelon with me. I don't know if I was more surprised, I offered or if she was more surprised, she agreed. Either way we became quick friends, and she has stopped by the last two days to keep me company as I unpacked, helping where she can. 

"Well, are you gonna let me in?"

I laugh and move out of the way, gesturing her inside. She walks in as though she lives here and gasps. 

"You got your TV set up!"

"Yeah, the guy came for the cable today. VCR is all set up and everything too." 

"I have the perfect idea!" She spun toward me grabbing my hands. I raised my eyebrows at her, waiting. "Let's have a sleepover! I have some spare cash. We could get a pizza and go to this video place in town and rent a movie!" 

"What about your parents Max?" I ask and she blanches. I know that look. I could spot a troubled teen anywhere. I realize my mistake almost as soon as the words are out of my mouth, but it is too late to take them back, so I just wait in silence, praying she knows she is safe with me. 

"My mom is at work." 

I sigh.

"Alright well, will you leave her a note at least for my peace of mind?" 

Max squeals and jumps up and down for a moment before running out of my trailer and across the park toward her own. I smile to myself as I get my shoes on and then continue what I was doing, waiting for her to return. 

Once she's back, we pile into my car and head into town. Max gives me the direction to Family Video Store once we get inside, Max makes a beeline for the action films and I sigh. 

"How about a nice Rom-Com?" I call as she runs off. I shake my head smiling as I head to the counter. A girl with short wavy hair is at the computer typing swiftly, extremely focused. I go to clear my throat when a tall guy pops up from behind the counter making me yelp. I put a hand to my chest, the other smacking the counter.

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