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AnnMarie's POV:

"Ugh, why is shopping for Eddie so hard?" I groan, flopping down on a bench at the mall beside Robin and Max. Several months have passed and things have been going so good for us. Eddie practically lives with me. He dropped down to working part time at Tony's and has been devoting a lot more time at the record label, working on Corroded Coffins' debut album. The guys have been so excited. They've all been working so hard. Christmas is fastly approaching and of course I've waited until two weeks before to try to figure out what to get him and I'm drawing a blank.

"You could always get pregnant for real this time," Robin chuckles. "Since he was so bummed you weren't a few months ago."

I swat her on the arm and roll my eyes, making Max chuckle. Eddie and I had had a pregnancy scare toward the end of the summer. Eddie had surprisingly been excited which had been confusing since he had freaked out when he realized he had slipped up and hadn't pulled out. But when I took the test and it came back negative and later when my period finally came, I could tell he was a little disappointed even though he tried to hide it. What had really surprised me, was the relief I had felt. Maybe I wasn't as ready as I had let on.

"Haha, very funny," I roll my eyes. "I have been on birth control since thank you. He has got too much going on. He's going to be a busy rockstar. A baby would jeopardize his entire career right now. Eddie would drop everything and he would lose his dream." Max nods along to what I'm saying and I smile at her. Our relationship had been rocky for a while what with her brother trying to kill me and all. But she stood by me while I went to court and got him and Chrissy put away and I will love her forever for that.

"Besides, they have been talking about touring once the album drops and I kind of wanted to get him something that he could take with him."

"You aren't going to go with him?" Robin asks, bewildered. I shake my head.

"I've got the Corvus Corax Publishing company working on printing my comics and I might have my own things I may have to do. We may not be able to be together all the time like we are now."

Max pats my leg and Robin sighs. We sit in silence for a moment before Robin turns, looking me in the eyes.

"Well, why don't you give him something sexy to remember what he has waiting back at home."

"What do you mean?" I ask, blushing slightly. Max peeks around me at Robin, intrigued. I fight the urge to cover her ears, knowing she's knowledgeable enough.

"You could send him off with a sexy momento." Robin shrugs. "Like in the Victorian Era, women used to give men their handkerchief or something. Maybe you can give him some used panties to keep on tour."

I choke on a snort and Max smacks me on the back. My eyes water and Robin holds her hands up defensively. Suddenly, Max gasps.

"Your Zombie pin-ups!"

"What?" Robin asks, scrunching up her nose.

"You could do pin-up photos," Max answers. Robin raises her eyebrows and we share a look. It's not a bad idea.

"But how would I print them without the creepy guy at the photoshop getting a free show?" I ask, shuddering at the thought.

"I've got a Polaroid camera," Robin offered. "It even has a timer. You could borrow it and take the pictures yourself."

"He could keep the pictures in his wallet or we could buy a little booklet for them. I think he would love that." Max nods, grinning. I'm starting to love the idea, the more they talk about it. It's simple, easily done, and I know he would like it.

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