Once You Love Somebody

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"I just want to get the hell out of here," I groan, running my hands through my hair.

"Easy, Eddie." Steve assures me, clapping me on the back. "My dad is working on it. We should be out of here soon. They've got no reason to keep us."

My knee bounces nervously and I nod. I know I should be patient, but I'm worried about AnnMarie. I want to be sure she is alright.

A door down the hall opens and Steve and I jump up, moving toward the bars of our cell. My uncle and Steve's dad come down the hall with a disgruntled looking officer.

"Alright boys," Mr. Harrington says, clapping his hands once. Gareth comes up behind us. "I was able to get you out of here, but I'm going to need some more time to get the girls home."

The officer moves forward and unlocks our cell and I rush forward. Wayne pats me on the back, reassuringly.

"Her friend called and they are getting discharged from the hospital. She has a broken nose, 3 broken ribs, and a concussion. They are sending her home on some strong medication so she'll need you with her. You'll have to call Tony." Wayne whispers for just me to hear. I nod along as he speaks, thankful for the update. My blood boils at the amount of damage Hargrove was able to do before I was able to get to her.

"That Billy kid is in the ICU. The three of you did quite the number, but there were enough witnesses to clarify that it was in AnnMarie's defense." Mr. Harrington was saying. Steve is obviously upset the girls have yet to be cleared. "But the girl with him wasn't actually physically harming AnnMarie or contributing to the attack, she was just photographing and commentating. So Nancy and Robin technically were the ones who instigated the physical altercation with her. That unfortunately makes things a little bit more tricky, but I think my lawyers and I can handle it and get them home by morning."

Steve nods and tells his dad he insists on staying until both girls are able to go home. His father agrees to let him stay in the jailhouse lobby while he handles their affairs.

"Scott is out there to take you home, Gareth," Wayne says, turning to my friend. Gareth smiles and wishes us a goodnight, telling me to tell AnnMarie get well soon, before heading out. Steve and his dad are already chatting animatedly with the officer that released us about Nancy and Robin.

"Ready to go, kid," Wayne asks, jangling his keys.

"Been ready, old man," I throw my arm over his shoulder and we walk out together.

The ride is short and silent. Wayne's truck hums quietly as he drives us home. I know he is going as fast as he is comfortable with going, wanting to decrease my anxiety as best as he can. My nerves won't settle until I see her.

We pull up and her porch light is on, Amber's car in the yard. I hop out and wish Wayne a goodnight before jogging over to her house. I test the knob and it's unlocked so I walk in without knocking.

"Rie!" I call.

"She's in here, Eddie," I hear, Amber call out from AnnMarie's bedroom.

AnnMarie is propped up on her bed with a mountain of pillows behind her. Amber is fussing at the dresser, pulling out her medications and setting them out as well as her instructions and Max Mayfield is flung over AnnMarie's middle, weeping loudly into her neck. I freeze in the doorway.

"Hey baby," AnnMarie smiles softly at me, patting Max gently on the back of the head and stroking her back.

"Hi, beautiful," I answer. Her face is heavily bruised now, but she's still my gorgeous girl. It looks so painful, my fist curls at my side before I force myself to take a deep breath and unclench. The motherfucker is already in the ICU. Take it easy.

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