Look What the Cat Dragged In

426 19 11

AnnMarie's POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling much better and tangled up in Eddie. I am pressed firmly against his chest, one arm pinned underneath him and the other thrown over him. Our legs are tangled together and wrapped up in the blankets. I glance up at him and his mouth is slightly ajar, his hair everywhere. I giggle silently and reach out and pull some out of his mouth and he jostles awake, blinking rapidly. He looks around confused for a second until his eyes land on me.

"Hey," I say softly.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" He's rubbing his eyes with his fingers and stretches.

"Much improved. All thanks to my wonderful nurse."

He kisses the top of my head and gets up to go to the bathroom. I stand up and stretch, feeling stiff after so long in bed. I wander off into the kitchen and start the coffee pot and turn on the radio, only turning it loud enough to have it softly playing in the background.

I glance over at the clock and realize Eddie should be heading to work soon. I turn to go get him but he's in the doorway, looking reluctant.

"I have to go," he's practically pouting, making me laugh. I press against him and tilt my head back, kissing under his chin.

"It's only for a little while and I'll see you tonight." I reassure him. "Nancy got a promotion at work so Steve and Robin are having a surprise dinner at The Rapids Tavern for her."

"Right," Eddie nodded, wrapping his arms around me. "I had already forgotten. Will you save me a seat?"He asks and I nod, biting my lip. He kissed my fiercely then, dipping me back. When he let me up for air, I stumbled a bit which makes him chuckle.

"See you later, Rie." He calls as he left. Once I heard the door close I poured myself a cup of coffee. Smiling into it, I sip lazily and think about yesterday openly wondering what I ever did to deserve Eddie Munson.

I eventually shower and get dressed, just throwing on some denim shorts and a Metallica T-shirt. I put on my white converse and slide on my lethaer jacket. I head out and hop on my bike, still so excited to have a bike to begin with. As I'm sitting on it and adjusting the straps to my helmet so I can pull it on, a car revs behind me. I turn, squinting in the sun to see a deep blue Chevrolet Camaro. A young man is leaning slightly out of the driver's side, staring at me. He has a sandy brown mullet and a thin mustache. A wicked smile is on his face and I feel as though my skin is going to break out in hives where his gaze falls. He flicks his tongue out, licking his lips before he speeds off. I catch a glimpse of honeycomb blonde hair from the passenger side of the car before it turns the corner, and vanishes.


Steve and I have been running around for most of the morning with the kids trying to get everything ready for tonight. Robin was at Steve's making sure that the roses he ordered for Nancy actually got delivered to his house. The Rapids was allowing us to decorate our table so Robin wanted blush colored table clothes, but the last two places we went to only had hot pink which was apparently unacceptable. She had also forgotten to get wrapping paper for her own gift to Nancy so Dustin was describing the wrapping papers one by one to her over his walkie talkie trying to figure out which one she wanted. I rolled my eyes. This is why I always just give people cash.

Max and El had gone halfsies on a present for Nancy and went off to look for nail polish. Mike was looking through cards and Lucas went to the bathroom. Steve paced back and forth while Will offered new options to Dustin and he grew more and more frustrated with Robin. Finally, Steve snatched the walkie talkie from Dustin and growled into it.

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