Main Attraction

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AnnMarie's POV:
Saturday evening was beautiful. The temperature was perfect and as the sun went down in the sky it cast shades of pinks, oranges, and purple. Perfect, I thought as I checked my outfit out in the mirror. I decided on a simple pair of jeans, a Metallica T-shirt, and a light black cardigan. I put on a few silver rings knowing it would make Eddie smile for us to match. Sliding my converse on, I decided to wait on the porch for him.

I sat on one of my chairs and just enjoyed the late summer air. So much has happened recently and it is nice to just take a moment. I'm glad I was able to show Eddie my artwork and it made me happy that he listened to my past and didn't get upset. But I was still worried. Having Argyle so close by had really thrown me for a loop. I was hoping for a complete fresh start when I settled in Hawkins and the fact that a piece of my past was here set unease deep in my belly.

Eddie and I had had dinner together every night at his place since our outing at The Rapids. I think he knows how unsettled I feel. So Uncle Wayne would make us dinner and tell me embarrassing stories about Eddie from his childhood. I would laugh as Eddie would blush and hide behind his hair, begging Wayne to stop. They made me forget even if it was just for a little while that I would have to face my problems eventually.

Knowing Argyle, he wouldn't bother stirring the pot too much unless their was something in it for him so hopefully he would mostly leave me alone. I mean it has been three years. I would have to get over my aversion to seeing him around, but with him not really being in our immediate friend group I hoped it would be an infrequent occurrence. Overall, the outlook was positive I just still have a hard time coming to terms. I sigh. This is what happens when you run from your problems rather than dealing with them, I think to myself.

I see Eddie out of the corner of my eye and straighten. He's fixing one of his necklaces as he approaches and I smile to myself. He always looks so good. His brown hair a curly disarray atop his head. His lean limbs masculine and graceful. His eyelashes are long and make me envy him and when he looks up at me, I melt into deep chocolate. My heart hammers in my chest. No matter how many times I see him I'm struck by how much I am attracted to him. It's something I've never felt before.

"Hey, Rie. You ready?" He reaches out his hand and I take it. I'd take that hand into just about anywhere if he asked.

"I hope you like what I have planned." Eddie sounds nervous as we drive into town. I'm practically bouncing in my seat with excitement.

"As long as I'm with you, I'm sure I'll love it," I lean over and kiss his cheek. His hand rests on my thigh as he drives and he gives it an appreciative squeeze.

We pull up to a giant carnival and my mouth falls open. I had forgotten about the festival they were having in town this week. My chest bubbles with excitement and I turn to Eddie, giddy.

"Ready?" Eddie asks and I'm out of the car before he can even get out to get my door. He meets me at the front of the van and takes my hand.

We walk through the crowd, walking up to the carts, taking in the sites and the sounds. I learn that Eddie loves roller coasters, he head bangs and sticks his tongue out the entire time. I laugh and joke he's gonna catch bugs if he does that, making him rethink it. I make Eddie ride the swings with me multiple times, loving relaxing into him on the double seat high above the world. We kick our feet out and hold each other's hands.

Once we have ridden all the rides we are famished. Eddie buys us a giant turkey leg and we laugh as we each tear into a side, our faces inches apart as we gnaw through. We sip on some Coco-Cola and eventually discard of the turkey bone, helping each other wipe the other's face.

Eddie sits me down on a bench and then runs off to go buy us a funnel cake. I'm grinning so hard my face hurts. I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

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