Parental Guidance

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At eleven, I'm knocking at AnnMarie's door. I huddle slightly in my jacket, the cool air biting my skin and making me shake. AnnMarie throws the door open and a gush of warm air hits my face making me sigh. She regards me for a moment before ushering me in. We are silent, neither one of us sure what to say to the other.

Ozzy is in the living room, laying on a playmat on her belly. Her head wobbles slightly as she tries to lift it to look at herself in a mirror AnnMarie has set up beside her. I look to AnnMarie and she nods, gesturing for me to go in there with her.

I get to the edge of the couch and slide off my boots. In my socks, I trudge over to her and sink to the floor. I decide to lay on my stomach beside her, getting on her level. We make eye contact and her mouth moves as though she's thinking of a million things to say. I realize she's got AnnMarie's nose and lips, her facial structures very similar and I smile at her.

"Hey Ozzy," I whisper. "I'm your dad. I'm really happy to meet you."

She starts to babble and blow bubbles and I grin. I grab some of her toys and start to play with her. After a while, AnnMarie asks me to roll her over and I do taking the chance to sit up and look down at her. I pick up some of her puppets and put on a little show for her as she stares up at me.

AnnMarie sits on the couch. Shes going through stacks of papers and some sketchpads and I leave her to her work, just enjoying my time.

Ozzy starts to fuss slightly and instinctively I pick her up and stand. I hold her to my chest and start to slowly walk around the room, cradling her. She's so tiny. Lost in the moment, I start to sing to her any tune that comes to mind. She calms and after a few minutes and looks up at me with a smile. My heart implodes as I reach down and place my pinky in her hand. She holds it as I drone on and eventually her eyes grow heavy before she finally gives in and falls asleep. I keep going until I know she's out cold and than I stop, looking up at AnnMarie. She's perched on the couch staring up at me.

"I let her listen to your albums when she's fussy," she says, meeting my eyes.

"You let our four month old listen to heavy metal?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"I figured you of all people wouldn't have a problem with it." She shrugged and got up. She came up to me and looked down at Ozzy, limp in my arms.

"I don't have a problem with it. I'm just surprised it actually soothes her."

"You soothe her," AnnMarie corrected, reaching down to stroke Ozzy's head. "I've tried other bands, but she only wants to listen to you."

"A girl after my own heart," I beam, snuggling her closer. My whole body is warm. Who knew someone so small could make me feel so hugely changed.

"She's got good taste." AnnMarie grins. She gestures for me to follow her to the second bedroom. I walk into Ozzy's nursery and I'm in awe.

AnnMarie has decorated it as though it is a stage set for a metal concert. Ozzy's crib is all black and above it her name hangs in a font that resembles lightning. Her walls are a light gray color and she has band posters and framed vinyls all over the walls. She has stage light fixtures hanging from the ceiling and deep red curtains.

"Whoa," I breathe and AnnMarie grins over her shoulder. She helps me get Ozzy down in her crib, detangling her little hands from my necklaces and we leave her to sleep, taking the monitor with us.

"Do you want something to eat?" She offers once we walk back out to the living room. I'm still not sure how I feel about everything and honestly I'm unsure if I should stay.

"I don't want to get in the way if you're working." I shake my head and start to slowly retreat towards the door.

"No it's fine. I've told my assistants, Todd and James, to take the day today since you were coming to see Ozzy anyway. I've been meaning to take a few personal days."

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