Why Can't This Night Go On Forever

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Three Weeks Later:

I'm a fidgety mess at the alter, watching as all of our friends and family gather around and get ready. I'm dressed in an all black suit and Steve and Dustin stand beside me, matching me. My uncle is sitting in the front row along with Gareth and his girlfriend Pamela, Jeff, and Scott.

AnnMarie and I decided to have the ceremony on a grassy cliff overlooking Lover's Lake. Nancy and Steve have created an alter out of tree branches, twine, and twigs and Robin wrapped flowers around the structure. We bought out chairs and set them out in neat little rows so that everyone could watch the ceremony comfortably.

My old supplier, Reifer Rick, has a house near here that he let the girls borrow for the day so AnnMarie could get ready and then they plan to drive her up and have her get out a little ways away so I can't see her until she walks up.

The set up is truly impressive and I really do need to thank Robin, Nancy, and Steve for all the help they provided AnnMarie and I into putting it together. When we came to them and said we wanted to get married in less than four weeks and needed their help they barely batted an eye and they made all of my girl's dreams for today come true.

Everyone we know is finally here and settled in and I look down at my watch. It's time. I turn to Steve and I'm a bundle of nerves. He pats me on the back and fixes my tie before turning me back to the crowd. Jeff stands up and moves to the corner of the crowd and picks up the acoustic guitar propped up on the stand waiting there for him. He softly plays, "Why can't this night last forever" by Journey, a request from the bride and I smile. Everyone turns to look as the wedding party starts to make their way into the clearing.

Robin strolls forward first, obviously nervous but happy nonetheless. Her smile is genuine as she makes eye contact with me and I can tell she has been crying. Her nose is pink and her eyes are slightly puffy. AnnMarie chose an soft blue pantsuit for her to wear rather than a dress, knowing she would be more comfortable this way. She held a small daisy bouquet in her hands.

Nancy moved forward next with the same bouquet but she wore a knee length dress in the same soft blue color. Her curls were pinned up around her head. She smiled once at me before her eyes shifted to Steve and stayed there. I saw from the corner of my eye that he mouthed the words, 'I love you' at her and I grinned, happy for them.

El and Max came down after, escorting Ozzy. The older girls have on identical floor length dresses in blue and my little angel is wearing the most frilly white dress I've ever seen. I grin from ear to ear as Max and El encourage Ozzy to take daisy petals out of the basket they are holding and throw them on the ground. Ozzy holds the petals between her chubby little fingers and looks at them, intrigued but doesn't let go. El continues to try to be helpful as they make their way down until Max unceremoniously dumps the basket earning her some laughs from the crowd.

Once they reach us and Ozzy sees me, her little arms come up and she reaches for me and my heart takes flight. I take her from them and pepper her little face with kisses. She's got a white bow in her hair, the brown curls a dark contrast against the creamy fabric. I hold her for a moment and tell her I love her before everyone stands and turns, ready for AnnMarie to enter. Wayne moves forward and takes Ozzy from me and I shake myself, some of my nerves returning.

Quinn approachs from where he had been watching in the crowd to stand at the middle of the alter, ready to officiate. AnnMarie and I had been pleasantly surprised to learn he could officiate weddings and were so thrilled to have him be a part of this, wanting to keep this as personal and small as possible.

AnnMarie steps out from the treeline and my heart sings. She looks absolutely breathtaking. Her hair is down and curly, just how I love it. It flows in the breeze as she moves. Her dress is pure ivory with spaghetti straps and a plunging neckline. It sinches at the waist and the skirt flares slightly, making her curves look wonderful. There is a large slit up her right leg and I can see the smooth skin of her thigh as she strolls forward.

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