No Stranger to Love

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AnnMarie's lips were tracing down my neck as I blinked away the sleep from my eyes. We had stayed up all night, talking, laughing, and fucking. My body aches and I'm parched but my cock twitches in response to her naked body sliding against mine. Traitorous beast. I can't imagine how she has the energy either. But AnnMarie is practically glowing above me, looking like an angel on Earth.

Her hair is messy and knotted in a few places and there are faint circles under her eyes. Her lips are red and swollen, her body covered in hickeys. I love her. I've never loved anyone the way I love her. I reach up and push her hair away from her face and she leans into my hand.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head," she winks, grinding against me.

I roll over on top of her, pinning her into the mattress. We eventually drove back to her place last night before continuing to ravish one another.

"You'll be the death of me, woman." I grumble, peppering her face with kisses. "How are you not worn out?"

"What can I say? You're my new favorite drug, Munson."

I kiss her deeply before pulling away. "I don't want to disappoint, but I need sustenance otherwise I may collapse."

She kisses my nose and helps me get out of bed. She giggles as I stretch my muscles, moving gingerly and I swat her playfully on the ass. I throw on my boxers and jeans and she wears my T-shirt. I find myself wishing every morning was like this as she drags me into the kitchen.

I lean against the counter as she moves around the kitchen. She makes me a cup of coffee and then sets out on making us breakfast as she sips her own. She decides on egg and bacon sandwiches and passes me the bread, putting me in charge of toasting.

"Do you have plans for today?" She asks as she starts laying the bacon into the bottom of the pan.

"Trying to get rid of me already, Rie?"

"Absolutely," she answers jokingly and I fall back, collapsing dramatically against the countertop. She jerks forward to catch me and gasps before she realizes I am fine. She swats me on the chest with a spatula and laughs.

"Don't do that," she chuckles and I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I kiss her neck and she relaxes back against me.

"I just wanted to make sure I could keep you a little longer." She stroked my arms with her finger as she cooks. I watched as she cracks the eggs into a pan and fries them, delicately flipping them. I only ever move from her side to get the toast once it springs from the toaster.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask her, getting the cheese to add to our sandwiches as she turns off the stove and starts putting the bacon on a plate with a paper towel, dabbing the grease.

"Well it is Sunday, we could go to church," she says and we both look up at one another. A beat goes by and than we both laugh loudly.

"I think the town would have a riot if we walked into a church," I said eventually, wiping the corners of my eyes. We sit at her island and start to eat. It's so good and I groan slightly, only now realizing just how hungry I was.

"Especially since my Sunday best consists of fish net tights, a black slip, and bright red pumps," AnnMarie says, wagging her eyebrows.

"Now, I'd sit through a service to see that," I say, with a wink. The thought is definitely enticing and I wonder if I can convince her to try the ensemble on later.

I feel her foot run up my leg and I smile as I chew. I'm relieved that she is just as wild about me as I am about her. It makes me so happy to know that my affections are returned. There aren't any what ifs. I'm not constantly second guessing myself or her and for once I can just be myself. I know that this is different than anything Ive ever felt before and I want to show her everyday what she means to me.

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