Peace Sells

412 20 22

AnnMarie's POV

I took Eddie's advice. I just hope he approves of my purchase. The bike thunders under my thighs as I race down the highway back towards Hawkins. My heart races in my chest. I had always wanted a motorcycle and when I had mentioned it to Robin, she told me her cousin in Indianapolis was actually selling a motorcycle. That's when I knew it was fate. So, Robin dropped me off at his house, we negotiated a price and then we filled out the necessary paperwork and I paid the man. Now I have a motorcycle, a helmet, and I'm one happy lady.  I got it for such a good price too I still had quite a bit of money left over. 

The drive back was serotonin inducing. I drove directly to Tony's Auto Shop knowing Eddie was still at work and I couldn't wait to show him. I pulled up and let the bike sit idling underneath me. He was finishing up with a customer. He wore his usual black jump suit with the sleeves rolled up and the first couple buttons undone letting his white tank top poke out from underneath. He was rubbing a cloth over his grease-stained hands and his hair was pulled back into a bun, loose fly aways were springing haphazardly around his face. I openly stared, glad the helmet was reflective, and he couldn't see my hungry gaze. He peeked over in my direction, confused before he patted the guy on the arm and handed him a form to take to the counter. I took my helmet off then, shaking out my hair. 

Eddie stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth popped open, realizing it was me, and then he broke out into a run, heading toward me. 

"What in the world!" he exclaimed, bringing his hands up to the sides of his head. He examined the bike and I finally turned it off, kicking out the stand and hoping off. I was practically bouncing up and down as I watched him circle it. 

"Do you like it?"

"Absolutely! Do you?" he asked.

"Yes," I practically squealed. "I've always wanted one and so I decided to take your advice about the money and decided this was what I wanted."

He smiled and placed his hand on my arm and he rubbed small circles into my skin, setting me on fire. "I'm glad."

"Yo, Eddie!" a guy calls from the stalls and is waving him back towards the shop. They have new cars moving into place and I realize they must be swamped. 

"I've gotta go," he says, but grabs my helmet off the seat where I left it and holds it out to me. "Promise me you'll never ride it without this on though?" His tone is serious and his eyes are too. I've never seen him look so stern before. My heart warms and I tilt my head slightly with a smile.

"Of course, scout's honor," I say holding up three fingers and he laughs. 

"Come have dinner with me tonight around 6?" he asks, jogging backwards toward the shop and I nod.


I decide to go over to Robin's and hang out for a bit. I pull up to her apartment and see a car out front I'm not familiar with. I knock on her door and Steve Harrington answers. I scowl and his face falls as well. Robin pokes her head out from behind him and smiles.

"Hey," she calls "Come in!" 

"Is he staying?" I ask, unmoving.

"Hey, I got here first. I can stay if I want to." Steve says defensively. He crosses his arms and blocks my path into the apartment. Robin wiggles her way between us and holds her hands up, meaning to mediate. 

"Alright now children, let's be civil about this." She looks up at Steve. "Steve, you said something hurtful about someone AnnMarie cares about the other day at the Family Video story. You also were making advances which can make girls uncomfortable if you aren't careful."

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