Lady Evil

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**Author's Note: Hey guys! There was a glitch publishing the last chapter and the last few paragraphs following the reference photos did not make it on there when I originally posted the chapter, so you may want to check back and make sure you are all caught up since this chapter will be confusing otherwise. Sorry about that and I hope you are enjoying it thus far! Happy reading! -J.R **

I watched AnnMarie speed away from the shop on her bike with a smile. I'm so glad she took my advice. She looked so fucking radiant perched on her motorcycle, beaming at me from across the lot.  The image stays with me throughout the rest of my workday and the guys notice and comment on my dopey expression every chance they can, making me blush lamely. Four rolls around and it's quitting time. I finish up my tasks for the day, say goodbye to Tony and then I get in my van.

My nerves are a jittery mess once I get home. I shower and start cleaning the kitchen when the phone rings. 


"Hey baby," Chrissy drawls on the other line. 

"Don't call me that Chrissy. Why are you calling?" 

"Come on Eddie, just last month you were in love with me. Don't you remember?" Her voice is sugary sweet, but it makes my stomach turn. 

"I thought I was in love with you, but now I don't think that's what it was."

"Is it because of that tramp next door?"

"Don't you dare bad-mouth her Chrissy," I warn, getting upset. 

"Fine!" she huffs, obviously annoyed. "I was just calling because I need to buy some weed and I assumed you were still selling or have you since changed your mind about that too?" 

"No, I'm still dealing. But I don't think you should come here and I have plans tonight." 

"Well, I'm actually at Billy Hargrove's so I was going to stop by yours once I left here." She said nonchalantly. I furrow my brow confused. I didn't know Chrissy knew Billy. 

"What are you doing at Hargrove's?" I ask. 

"I don't see how that's your business. Are you at your trailer or not?"

"I am." I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose, already dreading having to see her. 

"Alright I'll be by in a few." I hang up and look at the clock. It's 5 o'clock. That should give me more than plenty time to give Chrissy what she needs and kick her out. I go grab my tin box and set it on the dining room table and pull out some money in case she needs change. I hear a knock at the door and hurry to get it. I yank Chrissy inside and slam the door shut behind her. 

"Eager to see me?" she asks, a wide grin on her face.

"No, I don't want anyone else to see you." 

She pouts at that. "What do you need Chrissy?" 

"An eighth," she says. 

We do the exchange and I take her elbow and start ushering her to the door, but she digs in her heels. I sigh and look down at her, eyes wide with exasperation. 

"Eddie, what happened to us?" she asks.

"There never was an us, Chrissy. At one point, I wanted there to be, but you just wanted me for sex."

"I miss you," she purrs, grabbing my arm. She shuffled forward and the other hand came up and started unbuttoning her top. "You know, you miss me." 

I grabbed her by the shoulders and held her at arm's length. "I don't miss you, Chrissy. I'm sorry, you have to go."

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