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A knock comes at my dressing room door and I call for the person to come inside.

AnnMarie steps in and sets a little gift bag on the table by the door before turning toward me. She's looks fantastic as usual. She's wearing black jeans and a cropped Corroded Coffin T-shirt. Her hair hangs loose and it's long enough now that it hits her butt. She's got chain bracelets on her wrists and the only other jewelry she's wearing are her wedding rings. My beautiful wife.

"Hey baby," she says meeting my eyes in the mirror and coming up behind me. She wraps her arms around me and rests her chin on my shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

It's about twenty minutes until showtime. I like to spend some time in my dressing room relaxing before meeting with the guys and getting pumped up to go on stage. I'm feeling pretty good about tonight, especially since she is here with me.

We have signed for a west coast tour and AnnMarie has been able to come to a lot of our shows.

California turned out to be a pretty good move for both of our careers. Quinn was right about the increased PR opportunities and being closer made it a lot easier to say yes and get exposure for the band. As for AnnMarie, one of her comics were picked up by a production company and turned into a major motion picture. The movie blew up and was so successful the studio signed her on as a writer and animator. She's been working on a horror TV series for a few months now and loving it. I've been so proud of her.

"I'm feeling good, angel. What did you bring me?" I smile at her and rub her arm as my eyes drift to the little gift bag she bought and set by the door when she came inside.

"It's just a little something," she straightens and avoids eye contact with me, which makes me narrow my eyes. "I'm just trying to decide if I should give it to you now or wait until after the show."

"Is it something sexy?" I ask, getting up and trying to move towards the bag but AnnMarie darts in front of me and snatches it before I can.


My eyebrows furrow. She seems slightly flushes and she fidgets a little as she puts distance between us, protecting the bag.

"Am I going to like this present?" I ask, starting to worry she got me something weird like a tarantula or something.

"I hope so," she whispers and worries at her bottom lip.

"Sweetheart, you're going to have to let me open it now. Otherwise I'm going to worry about it all throughout the show," I tell her seriously. She nods after a moment and pushes her hair out of her face.

She hands me the bag and I keep eye contact with her as I take it. She picks at her nails as she watches me. I open the bag and take out two seperate pieces of cloth. When I unfold them I realize they are baby onesies. The first onesie says 'I rock' and the other says 'I roll' and they each have a guitar on them. I stare at them. They seem a little small for Ozzy.

"Oh my God," it clicks. AnnMarie's fidgeting intensifies.

"You're pregnant?" My voice is high pitched and I cough slightly to clear my throat.

"With twins," AnnMarie says, her voice small.

I drop the bag and onesies and rush forward, embracing her. I can feel tears streaming down my face and I don't care. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her body against mine. Her arms come up around my neck and she buries her face in my neck, her tears dampening my skin. We hold each other crying for a while before I pull away and smile down at her.

"Can we name them Slayer and Slasher?"

AnnMarie bursts out laughing, a snort escaping her lips. She shakes her head.

"No way."

"Why not?" I ask, pouting a little. "Those are great names."

"Maybe that can be their nicknames, but their names should be a little more normal. Kids are mean."

I scrunch up my nose before touching it to hers.

"You're right."

"I usually am," she leans forward and kisses me slowly.

"Twins," I sigh, bewildered when we pull apart.

"There will never be a dull moment," AnnMarie said ruefully, pushes my hair out of my face.

A knock comes at my door and Quinn peeks his head in.

"Five minutes, man. The guys need you out here." I nod and he ducks back out.

"I'm glad you told me before the show. Now I'm all bumped." I beam down at her and she takes my hand as we head out towards the stage.

"So I should be expecting the best show in Corroded Coffin history tonight?" She asks, her tone teasing.

"Oh, you can bet your sweet little ass it will be." I say ducking down to whisper in her ear. I cup one of her ass cheeks as well and she squirms and laughs. We get to the steps to the stage where I usually leave her and I spin around. I cup her face in my hands and kiss her deeply my lips and tongue moving in time with hers before I place my forehead against hers.

"Keep your eyes on me out there. I'll show you." I promise.

"Always, Eds," she says before I jog off to meet the guys backstage, leaving her to head to her usual box.

And just as I promised it was our best show to date.

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