Flying High Again

407 17 27

AnnMarie's POV:

"Steve is hogging Nancy far too much, now that they are dating, don't you think? " Robin asked. She was sitting at the bar at The Avenue eating a cheeseburger and fries.

I had started picking up some daytime shifts so I was more available to see Eddie in the evening and Robin had started making it a habit of taking her lunch breaks at The Avenue since.

I don't mind the company, but sometimes it was difficult to keep up with the conversation in the middle of the lunch rush. Luckily, today was not one of those days. I leaned against the bar and used a dish towel to dry some cups out as we chatted.

"I think it's to be expected. They're in the 'honeymoon' phase," I shrug.

"You and Eddie are in the honeymoon phase but he still shares," Robin pointed out, waving around a French fry.

"Each couple is different, love," I refill her soda and pat her wrist, reassuringly. "Give them some time to find their rhythm."

A gentleman walks into the bar. He is tall with jet black hair and he is wearing an all black suit. He looks around as though he is unsure of himself before he talks to one of the hostesses. She shakes her head at what he is saying but after a moment she points me out. His eyes meet mine and he walks over. Robin turns her head to see what I am looking at before her eyes go wide and she pretends to be busy with her meal.

"Excuse me, ma'am," the man says. "I was just told the manager isn't in at the moment, but maybe you could help me."

I raised my eyebrows in question and he continues.

"I am Quinn Johnson and I work for Chiroptera Records. I was looking to get my information to Corroded Coffin. I saw them perform the other night and was impressed by their sound and would like to discuss signing options. The young lady at the front said you know the guitarist and lead singer personally?"

"Yes, he's my boyfriend," I say with an enthusiastic nod. My mind is rushing and I'm doing my best to not freak out. Robin is aggressively sipping her soda, her eyes watering.

"Well, I would appreciate it if you could give him my contact information and tell him I will be back by at their next gig as well."

He hands me his business and nods his head once before turning away. I slowly turn wide eyed to Robin who slowly stands.

"Oh my god," I say slowly.

"Oh my god," she repeats.

We both just look down at the card for a second until we scream in unison, breaking out into dance. The other patrons near by stop what they are doing to turn and stare. I compose myself and urge Robin back in her seat.

"I can't wait to tell Eddie," I gush, once we are settled.

"He is going to lose his mind. Ugh, it's been an hour already. I've got to head back or Steve will have my head, but we should celebrate. I'll let Steve know and maybe we could all go out tonight?"

"Yea, I'll make sure Eddie is free and we can meet you guys here at about 7?"

Robin pouted a little. "Sorry we have to party at your job, but all the other bars in town blow."

I wink at her. "It's alright. And besides, I get discounts on my drinks so that's a win-win."

Robin waves bye after confirming 7 is good. At four, I clock out and say bye to the team letting some of them know I'll be back in a few hours as a customer. I take off for home on my bike and I'm excited to see that Eddie is just getting home when I pull up. He closes his van door and stands at the back bumper watching me.

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