Doctor Rock

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AnnMarie's POV:

The last few weeks have been a restless blur. I've been so cooped up I'm finding the small things that once bought me joy to just be annoying at this point. I sit with my leg propped up on the ottoman Eddie bought me and sigh heavily. Eddie is on the floor changing Ozzy and he glances up at me, wary.

"What's wrong, angel?" He asks. He's gotten used to my displeasure with the current state of affairs and has been walking on eggshells.

"I'm bored," I complain. "I've drawn until I don't want to draw anymore. We've played board games. I've read all the books I've been meaning to read PLUS the D&D handbook, front to back. I've tried to take up crochet and realized I don't have the patience for crochet and we have watched all the movies we have here."

I know I sound pathetic, but I am very much a go out and do kind of person. I like to be on the go. Even if I'm on the go at home and as it is all I've been allowed to do is sit and try not to knock my leg on things I shouldn't. Eddie had tried to let me take on more tasks a few weeks in. He had let me go on little walks in the neighborhood on my crutches, but one trip out resulted in a tumble that landed us back in the ER and ever since he has put his foot down.

I have been trying to continue to be helpful with Ozzy at least. But ever since Eddie has been home she has become quite the daddy's girl, much to his pleasure. Almost every time he hands her to me now she fusses and crys for him. He tries to hide his happiness for my sake, but I see the little twinkle in his eyes when it happens.

He's definitely making up for lost time because he has been the most amazing and attentive father since coming home. Eddie spends almost every waking moment fussing over, loving on, and tending to Ozzy. I would be lying if I said part of my attitude didn't steam from a little jealousy. I love to watch him and I know that if the roles were reversed I would be behaving the same way, but I can't help but feel a little greedy. I've missed the hell out of him.

A part of me still can't wrap my head around him being here. It's been so long and it all seems surreal. Most days I find myself worrying that I'll blink and it will all disappear. My nerves have been shot since he came home. I had felt slightly better after opening up at the hospital, but the worry still nags at the edge of my mind, ever present.

"How about after Ozzy's nap we drive out to the library and Family Video? We could get some new material to binge on?" Eddie offers, picking up Ozzy.

"I just want to get out of this house," I groan, throwing my head back and covering my eyes with my hands. I feel Eddie kiss my neck and I shiver slightly at his touch, a shock wave spiking through me. I feel his lips curl into a smile as he pulls away. I pull my hands just far enough from my eyes so I can peek at him.

"We would technically be getting out of the house if we went to Family Video and the library," he remarked, heading into Ozzy's room to put her down.

"Smartass," I yell after him and I'm rewarded with a chuckle. I sit and listen to the sound of him singing Ozzy to sleep, his smooth voice trailing down the hallway. After about three songs, he comes out of the nursery with the monitor and closes the door behind him.

"Snug as a bug," he smirks, he tosses the monitor up in the air and catches it with one hand, a triumphant expression on his face. I golf clap for him.

"She's forgotten all about me since you've gotten back," I pout. I have missed my Ozzy cuddles. I've tried to not let him see that it does bother me a little since he has been so happy, but I feel like the third wheel in my own house.

"That's not true," he assures me, sitting beside me and taking my hand. "We are just getting to know one another. I'm shiny and new so that makes me interesting. In a few weeks the playing field will even out and she'll be all about her mom again."

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