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A part of me really wishes I could have convinced AnnMarie to stay in tonight. My hand rests on her thigh and I peek over at her in the passenger seat. She's singing softly to Ozzy Osbourne, her head bobbing and her hair blows gently in the breeze coming from the slightly open windows. She has decided to wear her "Sunday best" which made me smile when I saw her. The outfit definitely will turn heads tonight. I mentally chuckle at the image of middle age moms clutching their pearls and shielding their husband's eyes at the sight of her if she did wear something like this through downtown Hawkins on a Sunday afternoon. And all that is mine. The grin on my face is achy and wide and I don't think I've ever been happier. Only way tonight would be better is if she had agreed to stay naked and tied up in my bed, until the early hours of morning.

We pull up to The Avenue and I park, jogging around to get her door before she can stubbornly open it herself. She slides down and my arm wraps around her waist, protectively. The music from the club can be heard bumping outside. Tonight they have a DJ and dancers performing so the crowd is a little more mainstream and upbeat than I would usually prefer, but I don't care. Everything is working out for me. I've got my girl, happy and beautiful on my arm, my friends will be here, and my band just might be making it big. Tonight is my night.

Robin, Steve, and Nancy were already chatting by the door with Gareth, Jeff, and Scott as we approached. Robin excitedly waves us over and we push through the crowd.

Gareth and the guys rush me, patting my back and excitedly talking about the recruiter. AnnMarie slid slightly away from me to hug Nancy and Robin. I left my hand on the small of her back, wanting to remain touching her.

"You guys ready to do this?" Rie asks once she says hey to the guys and they all hug her.

The group bands together and follow her to the door. The bouncer, Brock, waves us in, smiling down at AnnMarie as she passes. I throw my arm over her shoulder and pull her closer to my side, a gentle reminder.

AnnMarie wiggles away and ahead of us to the bar and jumps up, hugging Amber over the counter and pointing out the crew to her. Everyone starts shouting out their drink orders and Amber makes quick work getting everyone their first round. She kisses AnnMarie on the cheek and says something in her ear, her eyes darting to me and AnnMarie blushes before coming back to the group.

"We have to dance!" Robin is shouting. Some upbeat pop song is blaring through the speakers and she is bobbing her head around to the music.

"Let's find a table first," Nancy assures her, patting her arm. Steve is practically draped around her. They have been so touchy-feely since they got together it's almost obnoxious. If I was single I would hate it.

Robin obviously does. She crinkles her nose at them and moves a little closer to AnnMarie, whispering in her ear. Rie throws her arm around her and starts smoothing the ends of her hair as we move to the higher deck where the tables are.

Once we are seated, a scarcely clad waitress comes over to get our order.

"Hey Eddie," she winks down at me and I realize I've seen her a few times when we come to play. I don't remember her name. Her makeup is thick and she smells heavily of perfume. "No performance tonight?"

"No I'm here with my friends," I answer. AnnMarie wiggles a little in the seat beside me.

"Too bad," the girl pouts and bats her fake eyelashes. Her expression looks almost painful which confuses me.

"Are you okay?" I ask and her face falls. AnnMarie burst out laughing.

"Give it a rest, Veronica. You can't have him anyway. He's mine. Now take our damn order and get a move on," AnnMarie demands once she can collect herself. Her words sing through my soul over and over. He's mine.

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