#56 Teasing

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#56 Teasing 


"You're so whipped!" all the boys were roaring with laughter in the kitchen as soon as you left. Louis was blushing but denied everything. "Oh come on! If I got poked half as much as you poked Y/N I'd be walking Swiss cheese," Niall giggled at his own joke but pat Louis on the back letting him know it was okay, "To be fair, I think she likes you too." The room brightened.


Walking down the hall you would cross Zayn on the daily and he'd always throw some comment at you. "Wearing that dress for me I presume?" he'd wink and look at you as the distance grew larger. Never once did you answer him because he was after all the person you were working for but if you could you sure as hell would tell him to stop teasing you and get down to business. Maybe that day would soon come.


Snatching your glasses was typical but misplacing your bookmark was definitely more annoying. Paying little to no attention to him, he kept messing with your ponytail throwing locks of hair everywhere they needn't be. When he teased you so much you knew it was time for a break and add some Liam time in your schedule. Teasing always got him what he wanted.


As much as you tried to look mad Niall still made you smile. You could never stay mad at him for more than ten minutes because he would come close to your face and with both his thumbs, he'd try and separate your furrowed eyebrows to make it look like you weren't mad. He'd even squish your pouty lips closed making you look like a fish. That's when you giggled and let him know he got the best of you.


"You're telling me you wouldn't strip for a million dollars?" Harry knew you were shy and quiet, but he also knew you had an interesting view on sensuality. "Harry! Be quiet! And no, a million is not that much," a five star restaurant wasn't exactly the appropriate place to discuss such matters. "Fine, what about a mansion in LA?" "For that I'd do more than strip," Harry's mouth opened in a wide incredulous smile. "I knew I could get something out of you."

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