#52 The other side of fame

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#52 The other side of fame


You weren't sure when he was going to be home. What you did know what that you needed to get out of the house. Getting out of the house meant taking the underground to the shopping center. You had been walking around for a few hours now. Your hands were full of bags. You had been all over today. You had things for your wardrobe, Louis's wardrobe, the house, and the dog. As you walk back through Covent Garden to the tube, you are caught off guard by the stares of two girls that are walking your way. The stares immediately told you they knew who you were. They looked nice enough, so surely this would be a pleasant experience. You smile at them as they get closer, but they aren't smiling back. "Shouldn't you at least wait until he's in the country before you go off spending his money?" One asks. "Excuse me?" You question as you stop, realizing quickly what type of so called fans these two were. "He isn't even home from Australia, but you're out here spending his money." She had guts, you gave her that. Usually people like this just ran their mouths behind your back. "You think I'm out spending his money?" You had no intentions of bringing your attitude out today, but apparently this girl had other plans. "I know you are." You look over to her friend who had remained silent throughout this exchange so far. Her eyes were less harsh than her friend's, clearly she wasn't as outgoing with her thoughts. "Right, of course, I'm so sorry. You clearly know everything about my life." "I know he can find someone a whole hell of a lot better than you." Your brow furrows at her words, absolutely confused as to why any of that had even left her mouth. "Oh, so someone like you?" You pause for a response but get nothing. "So full of shit. You wouldn't be running your mouth if he was here with me. You would be so far up his ass you couldn't see straight." She scoffs as she rolls her eyes. "You're only mad because you know I'm right. Surely you wouldn't want him seeing you being such a bitch." Her eyes grow wide at your words. You shake your head and begin to walk again, no need to waste any more time on these two. You hear nothing in response as you continue to walk away. You would be hearing about this conversation in a few hours as soon as that girl had a chance to get on Twitter and run her mouth for a second time. You continue on to the tube; the sun was going down and you needed to get back home. You walk into the station, doing your best to swipe your Oyster Card and keep a hold of all of your bags. You hated having to be the person on the underground with all the bags but you had desperately needed to get out of the house and after the run in with your boyfriend's fans you weren't ready to apologize to anyone. You were shocked to have actually found a seat at this time of the afternoon. You keep your bags in your lap and by your legs, as close as possible, still hating there were so many of them. Your eyes close as the cart beings to move. The knocking on the rails almost made you want to fall asleep, but that wasn't the best idea down here. Your stop was coming soon and the last thing you wanted to do was miss it. "Excuse me," you hear a soft voice interrupt your thoughts. You open your eyes to see a familiar face. It was the girl from Covent Garden, the quiet one. You blink a few times to regain your sight fully, waiting for her to continue now that she had gotten your attention. "I just wanted to apologize for my friend earlier. She was way out of line. I had no idea she was even going to say those things. She saw you walking down the street and acted pretty excited to speak with you." Of course she was, you knew how this worked. "Well it kind of sucks, you know. He's been gone for a few days and so the last thing I would need is someone who thinks they're a fan of him trying to make me feel like shit when he isn't around, you know?" She nodded her head. "Yeah, I do, and again, I know it doesn't mean much coming from me but I'm sorry." "Did you follow me onto this train?" You question, wondering what kind of people you had encountered today. "No, I take this line to get home too," she explains. You nod and smile. Hopefully she was telling the truth. You couldn't tell much these days with his following.


There was no need for an alarm today; nothing was happening. You wake up on your own with the sun trying its best come in through the curtains. The bed was empty, as it had been for the past three months now. Three months. You hated this. You would usually get a few days visit from him during these long stints away but this time there wasn't any time. At least that's what you were assuming. He hadn't told you about any intentions he had of coming back to the UK while he was away this time, but then again he never told you, it was always a surprise. You had been waiting three months for a surprise, and it looked like it wasn't going to happen. But how much longer would you have to wait? You get up out of the bed, having to force yourself to do so. Being home alone had really gotten to you. You had a handful of people trying to get you out of the house, knowing being cooped up by yourself was not healthy. However, you had chosen to ignore them; you were used to the silence now. You mull around the house, ignoring the kitchen, before finally finding a spot on the couch to spend the day. In addition to not seeing him for such a long time, you hadn't really heard from him a lot either. Yes, he still called, but it was most certainly not as often as he used to. You weren't sure what was going on. Was he just really busy? Or was he trying to distance himself from you? If the latter was the truth then he was doing a very good job. You had spent the past months watching interviews and performances online, which hadn't made the situation any better. You listened for any mention of you but there was none. You pull your laptop off of the coffee table and onto your lap, ready to see what you had missed while you were asleep. There was always something new when you got online, whether it be vines, interviews, photos, or the inevitable drama. You were certain it wasn't healthy for you to keep this much track of him no matter how long he had been away. You knew his purpose for being away, so why couldn't you separate yourself from that and live on your own for the time being? You weren't sure how to answer that. You didn't want to live on your own, that's why you moved in with him, right? But you knew the life you were getting into when you agreed to an exclusive relationship. You may have not considered being alone for three months, only because he had never stayed away for this long. It was a part of the relationship though. The other girlfriends were dealing with the same situation, and you were sure they were doing it better than you. You could call them, they had always sent out that offer, yet you had never taken them up on it... You could get out of this, but you chose not to. When did you become so dependent on someone who wasn't even around? Your thoughts were swirling this morning and you had to make them stop. They would eat you alive if you didn't do something. You get up from the couch and head back upstairs to get your phone. "Hi!" A cheery voice greets over the line as you sit on the edge of the bed. "Hey," you reply, trying to sound at least half as happy as she did. "What's up?" "I was just wondering if you wanted to meet me for lunch and a little bit of shopping?" You had never even thought to suggest this before. You had to get out of the house though, and you knew Sophia was always up for going out. "Yes, of course! When were you thinking?" "Maybe in an hour?" "Yeah, that sounds great, I'll come and get you, yeah?" "Yeah, awesome. I'll see you in an hour." And with that you had just made plans. You weren't exactly sure what to do with them now. You suppose the only logical thing to do would be to head to the bathroom to get ready. You remain on the bed though, you didn't want to move. You knew you needed to get out of the house, but there was no motivation to make it happen. Your phone buzzes in your hand and you look down to see a text from Sophia. 'Get your ass up and get ready'.

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