#64 Talking about kids

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#64 Talking about kids 


 Although Louis comes off as an obnoxious joker to most people, he's totally the opposite. He's so kind and he loves to be around family, after you saw him with his younger siblings you thought you would ask him his thoughts on starting a family of your own. "That's all I've ever wanted; I mean, maybe we should start right now.." he wiggled his eyebrows but you slapped his arm. "We're at your parents house!", "Fine, fine" he put his hands up in defeat. - The car ride back to your guys' shared flat was spent discussing name ideas and as soon as you got home Louis had you upstairs in the bedroom. You couldn't wait to have your own little family with Louis.


You didn't think Zayn was the type who really wanted to have kids so you asked him one day what he thought about it. At first he stayed quiet but then a smile spread across his face, "I wouldn't want it any other way". You felt better knowing that Zayn felt the same way you did. You knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Zayn and now knowing that he wanted kids, made it 50 times better. Just the thought of having kids with the person you loved most made you happy.  


You and Liam were walking the dogs at the park and when you passed the playground you couldn't help but think about how much you wanted kids of your own. "Aww, look at all the little munchkins playing over there, Li!", he laughed and nodded. "Do you want to have kids someday..", you said in a muffled tone but Liam heard you loud and clear. "Of course Y/N! And it's funny you mention that; I was just thinking about it the other day.", you couldn't stop yourself from smiling at his words. You loved Liam so much and always thought about the two of you having a family together. When you got back to your flat, you spent the rest of the night talking about kids, baby names, and future plans.  


The both of you were silently sitting on the couch in the living room. Niall was watching the football match on TV, and you were on your phone. Niall muted the TV and turned to you, "Do you want to have kids with me?", you turned and looked at him confused, this came out of nowhere. "What?" you said, sounding slightly confused. "Ya know, have little Horans running around the house one day..", "Oh, Niall, I would want nothing more than that! I've always thought about starting a family with you.", "Really..?", you nodded and he smiled, relieved that you were both on the same page. "Well we better get started than!" he said cheekily as he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, taking the stairs two at a time.  


Harry always loved kids, he treated them all as if they were his own. So when he asked you if you wanted to have kids someday, you really weren't surprised. You, of course wanted them too...the thought of tiny Styles running around the house made you feel warm inside. You often thought about you and Harry's future together. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with him and you couldn't wait to have a happy little family together someday. 

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