#33 Embrace

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#33 Embrace


Zayn and Perrie had just had their first baby girl and the boys and their girlfriends had all been invited over to meet the bundle of joy. Louis was just so excited to see his niece and spoil her rotten, which you were sure Zayn would manage to do anyway. You both walked into the house to see Perrie and Zayn sitting on the couch. "Where is my gorgeous niece?" Louis questioned. Perrie laughed a little. "She's sleeping Lou; you can meet her when she's next up." Louis just pouted and huffed sitting down. Over the next hour the rest of the and their partners showed up and you all start on the lunch when you heard from the monitor the little cries of the baby. Both Perrie and Zayn looked so tired so you offered to go and get her and bring her down to meet everyone and they looked so relieved. You went into her room and saw the cutest bundle ever and you calmly took her back to the dining area and Louis was the first one out of his chair coming to take a closer look at her. His arms went around your waist and his head rested on your shoulder as he looked down on her. “She is so adorable.” Louis kisses your cheek. “You guys will make wonderful parents one day.” You both look at Perrie and just go quiet, you handing Zayn his daughter.


Zayn had said that his flight would be landing at Heathrow just after dinner and he wanted you there to meet him and take him home, for he couldn’t bear to be away from you for another moment. His flight had landed and you just had to wait for him to go through customs, which was relatively quick and as soon as you saw him you charged and ran at him. He spotted you and ran at you as well. You met halfway and he caught you, spinning you around on the spot where his lips joined yours. “So glad to be back.”


You had been warned about going to check your mentions on twitter because some ‘fans’ were notorious for saying some horrible things, but you went ahead and read through them anyway. That was one of the worst mistakes you could have done and you ended up crying in self-pity. “Why don’t they like me? What have I done?” You cuddled into your pillow to cover up your sobs of despair. You didn’t hear Liam walk in but you felt the bed dip down and him wrap his arms around you from behind. “Shhh, baby.” His arms tightened and he kissed your neck. “What’s wrong baby?” You turn around in his arms tears falling onto his shirt but you were too upset to answer him. “I’m here babe, just let it out.”


It was a nice summer’s day and Niall was holding a BBQ. All the guys had gone off to stand around the BBQ as men do and all the girlfriends were sitting around the table chatting and tidying up the plates and left over food to put into the fridge for Niall and you to eat tomorrow. But as the girls went inside you instead headed back outside wanting to get as much sun as you could before the dreary winter arrived. The guys were still standing around the BBQ even though it had been turned off hours ago and Niall had his back to you with a beer in his hand. You walked up behind him and snaked your arms around his waist and kissed in between his shoulder blades, his free hand covered yours and squeezed it. You rested your head on his back and just embraced him feeling content, Niall twisted in your arms and pulled you into his side and kissed the crown of your head. “I love you.” You stood there and listened to the hum of Niall and the boys for the rest of the afternoon.


Paul and Lou had been lifesavers in letting you come and surprise Harry while he was on tour. You were currently waiting off to the side watching your boyfriend and his best friends entertain the fans at sound check. It was winding down and you hid off to the side as not to alert Harry of your presence, you watched them all walk by you. At this stage you quietly walked behind the boys who were laughing and joking around. “Well Mr. Styles don’t you look rather dapper?” You said and Harry whipped around to face you, his face turning from confusion to the biggest smile you had ever seen. He moved over to you in a few large strides and pulled you into his chest just holding you there. “I have missed you so much Y/N.” Your face was in his neck and you kissed it sending shivers down his body. “I missed you more.”  

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