#26 Buying condoms

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#26 Buying condoms


His hand slipped from yours. “I just need something over here.” You parted; only to have him return minutes later, his hand holding two boxes. “What did you get?” He opened his hand, showing you two boxes of condoms. A blush rose to your cheeks as he held them up for you to see. You took the boxes from his hand, dropping them into the basket. “Not everyone has to see.” You embarrassment making him laugh. “Oh no. God forbid people know we have sex.” 


His hand engulfed your smaller one, leading you towards the condom section. “Maybe we should try something new?” He turned to look at you, flashing a smirk. “Hurry please.” He chuckled at your lack of patience. “I know you want me, babe, but this is important.” He sent you another smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. He rested his hand on your hip, pulling you closer to his chest. His lips met yours, a small hum left his lips. “Can we go now?” Your lips brushed his as you spoke, your words so low only he could hear them. He pulled away from your lips, picking up two packages. He winked at you as he pulled you towards the checkout.


"Are you going shopping today?" You turned your attention from the computer screen to him. "I don’t know. I don’t want to go alone." He nodded his head. "I’ll go with you. I just wanted to tell you that we were out." You furrowed your eyebrows, confusion written in your face. "Out of what?" He sat down next to you, his hand gripping your thigh. "Last night we used the last condom and we need new ones for tonight."


"I’m not going alone!" You sat in the passenger seat of his car, the door open. "Fine." You sighed at his persistence, not wanting to make a scene. "It’s not like people think we don’t have sex." You groaned as he went on. "I mean we’ve been together for a really long time and if we didn’t have sex it would be kind of weird." You sped up your steps, now walking much faster. Eager to get home and out of the public eye. "Just grab what we need and shut up!" Your annoyed tone making him grin at you. Equally eager to get home, but teasing you was just as fun. 


"This way." He held your waist, his fingers softly stroking your side. You stopped in front of the right isle. His hand dropping from your waist, reaching out to grab the right item. "That’s the wrong size." He glanced down at the condoms, his brows furrowing. "You’re not really that big." He sent you a displeased look. "More like a small or maybe extra small?" You grinned at him, dropping your right eye in a wink. "Haha." His fake laugh making you chuckle. Entwining your hands as you walked to the checkout. 

(I couldn't help but chukle at these) Aha... 

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