#17 Pregnancy moment

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#17 Pregnancy moment


You slammed the fridge door shut. “Louu!” He appeared around the corner looking worried. He raised his eyebrows; he took in your mostly naked body, clad in just a bra and knickers, pregnant stomach protruding out over your toes. “Everything okay babe?” You pouted back at him. “We have no food!” He laughed and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. “I went shopping yesterday!” You sighed, tangling your fingers with his. “I know… but I ate all the yogurt. And the salsa. Now I’m hungry!” He kissed you head. “We have leftover pasta?” You screwed up your nose. Even the word made you feel sick. “Don’t like pasta.” You said petulantly, sticking out your bottom lip even further. “Want yoghurt and salsa?” Louis stroked your stomach. His cool hands felt nice on the bare skin, and you melted in his embrace. “Well…” Louis murmured. His arms dropped from around you, and he leant towards the fridge. Reaching past the plastic containers on pervious dinners – for Louis, as you were only eating what you craved- he pulled out a jar of salsa and a yoghurt container. “You did a girl look.” He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Honestl-“ You leant forward and kissed him, shutting him up. “Thank you beloved Lou.” You giggled, taking the containers from him. “Want some?” He stuck his tongue out and shook his head.


Midnight blue paint was smoothly applied across the ceiling. Zayn was standing on a ladder, craning backwards as he sprayed stars across the expanse. You stood in the doorway, staring openmouthed around the room. The walls were painted with fairytale scenes- pirate ships, castles and forests- all intricate and perfect. “You know.” You said. “When I asked you to paint the babies room this weekend, I didn’t mean this.” Zayn turned around and saw you there. His face lit up, and he climbed down. “You like?” You walked over to the pirate ship. In the water below, he’d painted mermaids swimming, eyes cast towards the surface. One finger traced the outline of the ships bow. “I love it. Zayn, it’s beautiful.” He grinned proudly before crouching down so he was eye level with your stomach. “Hey bubby. Do you like it? Like your new room?” You stared around the masterpiece covering the nursery walls and smiled, it was perfect.


Liam stroked your feet, where they were positioned on his lap. Valentines Day was playing on the TV screen, but you were reading, book propped on your belly and feet propped on Liam. “Emma.” Liam said suddenly.  You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “I like Hannah.” He rolled his eyes. “Why so plain?” You laughed, placing your book next to you. “Oh, so Emma isn’t plain?” He sighed. “Valentina?” “C’mon! That’s so cheesy! Kate?” “Next you’ll say Jane!” You scowled. “I love the name Jane!” “Lola.” He said slowly. You paused, looking at him. “Lola?” He said again. You nodded, tilting your head from side to side, caressing the bump. Liam moved forward, stroking your belly. His cold fingers pushed the material of your tee up, tucking it under your bra. He gently pressed his lips to the skin, murmuring into it. “I like it.”


You lent over the toilet again, retching. The sour taste overwhelmed your taste buds. “Babe? You okay?” Niall’s concerned voice came through the door. You moaned, leaning forward again to throw up what was left of last night’s dinner. The door opened a tiny crack, and you looked over your shoulder to see a blue eye staring at you. “GO AWAY!” You cried. You felt another wave coming on, and you lent forward over the toilet again. You pressed your forehead on the rim of the toilet, coughing slightly. A hand slowly brushed circles on your back. “I’ll take that as a… no you’re not okay?” You nodded, turning to bury your face in his shirt. “I don’t even like babies!” You sobbed. He continued to rub circles. “You do. You love them. A little bit if pain- it’s worth it for a life of memories, right?” You laugh shakily. “A little bit of pain? Ni, you can push the watermelon out your-“ He laughed, hugging you tighter.


“Hey gorgeous.” Harry whispered as he walked into the bedroom. You lay on the bed, wearing a bra, knickers and one of his white dress shirts, unbuttoned. He grinned at you. “Little bit hot?” You groaned, sprawling across the bed. “Who knew a baby would increase the temperature by a thousand degrees!” You whined. He laughed, walking towards the bed. Quickly, he stripped down to his boxers before climbing in next to you. His arms encircled you from behind, holding you close to his chest. You lay there spooning for a while, until you twisted away, sighing. “I’m too hot.” He smiled and caressed your cheek. “It’s okay.” He rolled over and grabbed ‘The Notebook’ off the nightstand. Opening it to the bookmark, Harry began to read. You lay back on the pillows, closing your eyes as his voice washed over you. As you drifted off to sleep, Harry kissed your forehead. “Night, love. Night, baby.”  

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