#62 Another boy stares at you

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#62 Another boy stares at you 


You always loved going to the lake since you were a little girl. Louis wanted to surprise you, so he rented a lake house for the week. He thought it would be a fun getaway for you and the boys. You hadn't even been there for more than an hour and you were already in your bikini. You just wanted to be in the water. All of the boys were still inside; Liam and Zayn were looking at the view from the sliding doors and Louis, Harry and Niall had gone to get changed into swim suits. You had already gone out to the end of the deck standing above the water taking in the view. Just as Louis and Harry were coming out of their rooms they couldn't help but notice Liam and Zayn staring at something. They of course went to see what it was. Zayn was watching the boats speed past but Liam was looking at something else. "Mate!" Louis slapped Liam in the back of the head. "Quit staring at MY girlfriend!", Liam blushed and apologized quickly. He stepped aside allowing Harry and Louis outside. Louis walked over to you and gave you a kiss, then turned around to make sure Liam saw him. Liam made sure to avoid you the rest of the trip and Louis made sure of it. 


You had been outside in the pool when the boys must've come over. You had no idea, so when you came inside with just your bikini on it was a little awkward. "Oh, hey! I didn't know you boys were coming over!", "Sorry babe, I meant to tell you!". All the boys said hi back to you but you couldn't help but notice Louis staring at you from across the room. You excused yourself, so that you could put clothes on but you were still able to hear what the boys were saying. "Hey! Dumbass!" Zayn said, throwing a pillow at Louis. "Wh-what", Louis said slightly confused. "We all saw you staring..don't even. Get your own girlfriend!" Zayn was angry at this point, but he calmed down when you came out of the bedroom and sat down next to him. He pulled you in close to him and kissed your head, making sure Louis saw that you were his. Louis kept to himself and was unusually quiet for the rest of the night.  


You were on tour visiting Liam for a few weeks and today you and the boys were going to do some sight-seeing. It was a hot day in Paris so you had on your favourite pair of high waisted shorts and a chiffon tank top. You and Liam were ahead of the group, walking hand in hand, and taking pictures of the different sights. You went to turn around to tell the boys that you guys were going to stop for lunch and you were met with Niall who was blankly staring at something. It took you a while to figure out just what he was looking at you followed his line of sight and it lead right to your butt. "Oh my god!" you said a little louder than intended. Liam jerked his head in your direction to see what was wrong, and that's when he saw Niall staring. "Whatcha looking at Niall? Is there a landmark we missed?", the boys began laughing as they caught on to what was going on. "Mate, you gotta be a little more discrete than that!" Louis said between fits of laughter. You were relieved that Liam stood up and said something for you. Niall made sure to stay ahead of everyone so there would be no more "staring".  


You and all of the boys were hanging out at Liam's flat for the night. You were all in the middle of a game of spades and Niall had just gotten up to grab a few drinks from the kitchen. You didn't want to look, but out of the corner of your eye you saw Harry looking at you. Maybe it was just an accident, but it kept happening. The stares weren't very subtle either. I mean, you weren't wearing anything sexy, just some yoga pants and a tank top. You tried to ignore it but you just couldn't. You were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Niall yelling. "Keep 'yer eyes some place else, you look like an animal drooling over a piece of meat!", He pulled you in closer to him and gave you a kiss. Harry put his arms up in defense. You loved when Niall got protective over you. - The rest of the night Harry would not make direct eye contact with you, and Niall liked it that way.  


You had just gotten out of the shower and realized the pants you were looking for were in the laundry room. So you walked downstairs to get them but you were unaware that Harry had invited the boys over. You were only wrapped in a towel but it was better than nothing. "Hi boys, sorry I didn't know you were going to be coming over, I would've gotten dressed!" you said with a smile. All the boys answered you and said it was alright, all but Zayn. He was staring right at you! You felt quite uncomfortable so you continued on to the laundry room. As soon as you were out of the room you heard Harry saying something to Zayn. "What do you think you were looking at! That's my girlfriend, my eyes only!" you smiled at Harry's words knowing how protective he got. You loved when he stuck up for you. When you walked back through the living room, Zayn completely turned his head the other way. 

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