#68 Meeting the baby

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#68 Meeting the baby


You and Louis were going to be bringing Drew and Leighton over to his parents house so they could finally meet the two newborns. When you first arrived, Jay immediately ran up to you, giving you a hug and a congratulations. Louis came in shortly after carrying in the two car seats. "Oh, look at these little angles"Jay cooed at the two kids on either side of Louis. "Hi, mum. Meet Drew and Leighton" Louis smiled and set the carriers on the counter. "Oh my, aren't you two just the cutest! I'm so proud of my baby for having little children of his own!" "Mumm..", Louis said slightly embarrassed. "Oh, don't be silly!", you laughed at the scene unfolding in front of you. Louis' sisters then came into the room and burst out into a fit of "Aww's", "Y/N I'm so happy for you! They're seriously the cutest!", Lottie came over and gave you a hug, you smiled and thanked her. The entire day all attention was on the babies and you could see how proud Louis was to be showing off his kids and truly how excited he was to be a father.  


Your parents were going to be flying to England to see the new baby and also to have a visit with you and Zayn. They hadn't visited for a few years, usually the two of you would be the ones flying back to the US to visit them. You were so excited for your parents to meet Blair for the first time. You felt so grown up now; having your own family and new home. Zayn had gone to pick them up from the airport so you could straighten up the house a bit. When they got back home the first thing your mother wanted to see was the baby. "You are just the cutest thing, aren't you!" you laughed at your mothers excitement. Your father and Zayn were having their own conversation while your mum fussed over the baby. "Oh, I almost forgot! I brought clothes for the little one!" "Oh, mom, you didn't have to!" "Don't be silly it's my only granddaughter and now I have an excuse to look at all the cute baby things!". Blair was always in your mothers hands, she loved all the attention. You could tell that grandma was going to spoil her rotten.


Michael and Adriana were a few months old now and you and Liam were going to be taking them on their first trip. The four of you were going to be flying to the US to see your parents and siblings. You hadn't seen them in months and now they could finally get the chance to meet their grandkids. You both had never travelled with kids before, let alone 2 of them. It was a bit hard to get through security but once you got on the plane they slept the whole way. As soon as you landed your parents were there to greet you at the gate. You each handed one of the kids to your parents and they were so happy for the two of you. "Aren't you just the cutest!" your mother cooed to Adriana. Your father on the other hand was busy making silly faces in attempt to get Michael to laugh. The both of them were in love with the two kids and you were so happy with the little family you had. You just wished that your parents lived closer so you could visit them more often.


Your parents were going to be coming to London to visit for the week. They wanted to finally meet baby Whitney. Neither of you could believe that you actually had your own child now, it was like a dream come true. The moment your mother came through the door, the first thing she did was go over to see the baby cradled in Niall's arms. "Oh, isn't she the most precious thing in the world! My goodness!" "Would you like to hold her Mrs.Y/L/N?" Niall offered as he began handing Whitney over to your mother. "Oh Niall, you know you can call me Y/M/N, your my son-in-law!" she immediately took the tiny baby into her arms as it was handed to her. "She's so precious..Hi there Whitney", Niall looked over to you and smiled. Your father patted Niall on the back and congratulated him. Your parents were so proud of you and they were so happy for the two of you. For the rest of their visit, there was never a moment when Whitney wasn't in your mother's arms, even your father enjoyed taking her and playing with her for a bit. You loved seeing your parents so happy and how proud they were of you. Their first grand-child.


You and Harry were going to be meeting up with Anne and Gemma so they could finally meet baby Eric. Harry still couldn't believe that he was actually a father. You both arrived at Harry's childhood home no more than a few minutes ago and as soon as Anne saw Eric she had tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh I'm so proud of you both!" "Aww baby bro created another little Styles", Anne and Gemma just couldn't get over the fact that he looked just like Harry. He had the same green eyes and dark chestnut hair. You could already tell that he was going to be a daddy's boy, the two of them already doing everything together, even though Eric probably didn't understand anything going on around him. "And look at those little cheeks!!" you and Harry laughed at Gemma's excitement over the newborn. "Anytime you need a babysitter, you better call me!" "Gem, you really need to get your own kid, there's no way you're stealing mine!" you laughed at the two siblings knowing this conversation would come up many more times in the future.

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