#2 "Someday..."

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#2 “Someday…”


The interviewer asked the same questions as they normally got: “Who’s single?” “How’s the tour?” “Which fans are the craziest?” “Crazy fan story?” But then there was the one that actually didn’t pop up much more especially after the two of you had broken up. “Do you want to get married and have kids?” The woman asked, cocking her head to the side and taking in all of Louis’ appearance. “Yeah, someday. Right now I just want to stay focused on making music with these boys right here.” He wrapped his arms around Liam and Niall. “But someday I’ll find my perfect someone and we’ll settle down and pop out a few kids.” He smiled but everyone could see the weakness in his eyes because you were that perfect woman and you didn’t want anything to do with him anymore.


“Someday when we get out of this town, I’m going to buy us a house and we’ll live there. We’ll get away from all these people and create new lives for ourselves, but the one thing we’ll never leave behind is each other.” Zayn promised you, your pinkies wrapped together as you sat in your garden, the tears caused by mean girls words were already drying on your cheeks. “Someday.”


The light beeping noise was the only thing that tethered you there with him. It was the only thing that let him know that you were still there in the room with him and you weren’t completely gone. His hand wrapped around yours and then he began to notice the noise changing and then doctors were rushing on and everything was a blur. A doctor came over to him and said words Liam never wanted to hear. “She’s nearly gone, if you want some last words with her, now’s your chance.” He swallowed his tears and walked into the room, your eyes barely open as you hung on to the last thread of life. “Liam.” You weakly smiled. “Don’t be sad, we’ll see each other again someday.” You coughed, your whole body shaking. He wanted to close his eyes but he couldn’t bring himself to lose this opportunity. “I don’t want to lose you, Y/N.” He murmured, kneeling down beside you so that your face was level with his. “I can’t wait for someday. I can’t let you go.” You opened your mouth, breathing out his words. “You have to Liam.” Your voice sounded strained and when he lowered his mouth to yours he knew it would be the last kiss that you would share. By the time he pulled away, you were gone, leaving him longing for someday.


He was quietly humming and playing with your free hand as your other ran through his hair. “Y/N, do you think we’ll get married.” He asked, suddenly staring at you while his fingers circled your ring finger. “I don’t know, Ni. Maybe someday, but we definitely aren’t ready yet.” He cracked a smile. “So does that mean if right this second I asked you to marry me, you would say no?” You shook your head with a smile, removing yourself from him. “Someday, Niall.”


You couldn’t keep the tears from spilling over as you heard it for the first time. It had been five months since you’d seen him, five months since you left him and he left, and five months since you’d heard his voice. Now there you are, sitting in your bed, your laptop open on your legs listening to the music and watching the video accompanying it. “Someday” was their new single and for once the video was actually almost 100% serious. “Someday we’ll see each other again. Someday I’ll be more than your friend.” 

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