#31 Ultrasound appointment

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#31 Ultrasound appointment


“I definitely think that’s a boy Tommo up there, love.” He says, pointing at the screen with a knowing smirk. “I’m still convinced it’s a she.” You state, trying to hide how much you’re enjoying his smugness. “Well, I suppose we’ll find out who’s right next ultrasound, won’t we?” He smiles. “Spoiler alert: it’s me.”


The doctor is saying something, pointing at things on the ultrasound screen, but you aren’t really sure what he’s saying. You feel paralyzed and numb, and the only thing you’re fully aware of is Zayn. He wipes at the tears you didn’t know you were crying, gripping onto your hand, showing you that he won’t let go.


His grip on your hand tightens as the image of the little baby inside of you pops up on the screen. His eyes practically disappear in the crinkles of his ever-growing smile, and you can’t believe just how proud he is of the little one that’s a perfect product of the two of you together.


He looks up at the screen with wonder, speaking to the baby like he knows it can understand everything he’s saying. “I don’t even care what you are. I’ll teach you to play guitar, and write songs, and play football, and you’ll love food just as much as me… I love you so much already.”


You watch him as he looks up at the screen, tears beginning to form in his eyes. He’s awestruck, mesmerized by the fact that the little body on the screen is his kid. He looks down at you and smiles, and you know then that he’s totally in love with the little he or she inside of you.

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