Chapter 1

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Laurens pov.

"Lauren I missed you so much!"

Taylor said wrapping her arms around me.

"I missed you too Tay. " I told her hugging her as tight as I could. The girls and I have finally got a break after we finished the reflection tour. I let go of of Taylor a hugged my parents and my brother.

"How have you been?" my dad asked as he put both hands on my shoulders and kissed my head.

"I'm fine daddy." I told him and melted into his arms. I miss being able to hold him like this and have this sweet father daughter interaction. He's my rock in all ways and I never really knew how much I missed him tell now.

"Lo?" I let go of my dad and seen Camila standing behind me. I smiled wide and opened my arms as her tiny arms made their way around my body.

"I love you. " I told her and she nodded.

"Same." I looked down and she had tears in her eyes and her face was flushed.

"Hey come to the bathroom with me please." She nodded her head and I took her hand into mine.

"Hey we'll be right back. " I told my mom and she gave me a weird look before nodding.

"Hurry we need to get home." My mom told me as I pulled Camila with me to the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it wrapping my arms around her small frame. She nestled her head into my chest and let out a shaky breath.

"I can't stop crying." She sobbed into my shirt. I patted her hair and kissed the top of her head.

"Its the hormones babe." I told her and she nodded. She sobbed for a while then calmed down and I pecked her lips. Using the pads of my fingers to wipe away the remainder of the tears.

" I'm literally across the road from you, If you need me I'm there just ask." I told her and wiped the tears from her face.

"Don't stress well be back in California in two weeks and everything will go back to normal." I told her but she shook her head.

" Lauren how Is this normal? I am pregnant with your child. They'll find out sooner or later when I get bigger. I have to tell my parents Lauren. " she said but I shook my head.

"I love you and this baby but you have to give me time. " she huffed and looked away what's an angry expression.

"Why do you need time? I'm the one that has to explain that I am now carrying a baby that I conceived by a girl with a dick Lauren. I'm the one who has to go through all of this. The sickness, the mood swings and getting fat! Now tell me again how You need time." She told me as she spun on her heals and walked out the door leaving me behind. I shook my head and sighed. She's right I don't have to go through that, I shouldn't have said that I should have supported her.

"Lauren why was Camila mad?" My mom asked walking into the bathroom.

"Its not my responsibility to keep up with her." I said as I walked past her.

When we got in the car I rested my head on the back seat and relaxed.

"It feels good to be going home." I said and Taylor leaned over and put her head on my shoulder .

"It feels good to have you home." She said and I hummed in agreement and closed my eyes.

"I know nugget but I'm here now so lets enjoy this time. " she nodded her head and and held my hand.

"Things are hard with out you here." She mumbled and I gave her a weird look but she blew it off. It was 10 at night by the time we got home and Chris and Taylor have  school tomorrow  so I can't really catch up with them tonight.

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