chapter 13

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Camilas pov.

One week later.

Right now I am laying in bed snuggling to a new cuddle pillow that Lauren bought me. Its so soft and the arm of it wraps around my shoulder keeping it close to me. Lauren and Arctica are down stairs because you can hear the two of them running through the house laughing at each other.

"Hey Mila." Dinah said and I turned my head and smiled at her.

"Cheech come lay down with me I need to talk to you." I told her and scooted over on the bed.

"Mila its 1 in the afternoon get up!" She told me and I whined and turned my head into the pillow.

"I'm cold!" I told her and she ran a hand through her hair and took off her shoes before she climbed into my bed. I unraveled my self from the pillow and turned to face Dinah.

"How are you feeling?" Dinah asked me and I shrugged.

"I'm sore and my wrist hurts but other than that I'm OK." I told her and cuddled into her chest.

"Is the baby OK?" She asked me and I nodded.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Can you hand me the brown envelopes on the side table?" I asked and she nodded and rolled slightly to grab them. I quickly took them from her hand so that way she wouldn't see what the envelopes were.

" Mila what's in the envelope? " I smiled and shook my head and showed the very first envelope that says baby number 1.

"Ok this your baby's ultrasound pictures what's the other thing?" I smiled and put baby number one down and showed her the envelope and said baby number 2.

" You're having twins?" she asked me and I nodded my head and bit my p. I hid my face in her shirt and just took in the smell and its warm.

"Do you know what they are?" she asked me and I shook my head.

" Lauren and I didn't want to find out while I was in the hospital so we had the doctor write it in an envelope and we took them home." She snatched the two envelopes out of my hand stood straight up.

"It's not funny I can't chase you around give them back." She shook her head no and then smiled.

"No you and Lauren are going to have to wait just like everybody else I'm going to throw you a surprise party to find out what your babies are." she openedthe two envelopes and then smiled

"Well one of you are going to be right." she said and I shook my head.

"Whatever Dinah Jane. Can you go get Lauren?" I asked her and she nodded her head yes as she disappeared out of the room I cuddled back into my pillow and took in the sense of warmth that was filled with vanilla that can intoxicate you and leave you loving kindness and everything of the above. I sat there in silence for a while just with my hand on my stomach running my fingers over the small kicks that are escape from it every now and then. I felt the bed dip and then one arm wrapped around me. She pushed my hair to the side and placed soft kisses on my neck and then bit down hard on my shoulder.

"Stop." I told her. She chuckled and she hid her nose in my hair and then kiss my head.

"How are you feeling." she asked me, and to be honest I still feel pretty bad from the accident but I have to go on. We have been working everyday since we've been back and I have been wearing a lot of baggy sweaters around my friends so that way I could tell them I'm pregnant instead of them finding out for them self.

"I'm okay." I told her and turned around so I was face to face with two big green eyes. I think that they are part of the reason I fell in love with her. The first thing that I noticed when I first seen her that made me fall in love were her eyes and be beautiful brown hair and that breath taking smile. And I can sit here today and say that I still feel the exact same way that I did then as I do now. I snuggled into her chest and she ran soft circles on my stomach.

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