chapter 14

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Lauren's pov.

"Camz?" I laughed and nudged her shoulder. We just found out what the babies were and we were all sitting in the living room talking. I thought that she was just playing opossum and pretending to be asleep but she was really passed out. I brushed some hair out of her face and Arctica Crawled into my lap and laid her head on my stomach. I pulled all of my girls closer and rested my head on top of Camila's.

"I think were all going to go." My mom said and kissed Arcticas cheek and mine and Camila's head.

"What time does your flight leave?" I asked and my dad walked over to us.

"At 6, We will be gone long before you wake up." He said and I nodded my head.

"Take care of Camila and my grand babies for me will you?" My mom asked and I looked at my family and smiled.

"Always mom." I gave my parents a half hug before they left along with my siblings. I said my final good bye and then brought Arctica up to her room so she could sleep better. I tucked her in under her Tinkerbell covers and kissed her head and gave her the stuffed puppy. I walked back down the stairs and seen Camila now laying down on the couch with a thin layer of sweat over her body.

"Camila babe wake up." I said and kissed her nose. Her head shook and I laughed.

"Camz." I said but she didn't wake up. Her body started to shake and I grabbed her shoulder and shook her. Her eyes fluttered open and she clung to my shirt.

" Where is she?" Camila scraim and started to sob. I looked at her questionably but she pushed me away and ran to the back door. I chased after her and seen her drop to her knees as she sobbed.

"Camila talk to me whats going on?" I asked her and she cried.

"Camila calm down whats wrong?" I asked and she looked at me and legit fear was written all over her face. She looked at the pool and yelled over and over tell the girls came out of the house.

"Camila please look at me." I said and Normani pushed me away. She pushed Camilas hair to the other side and took Camilas face into her hands.

"Its a dream, calm down its a dream." Normani said and pulled Camila to her chest. Camila shook her head and held on to Normani as she stood up. She continued to look at the pool and then looked at me. Tears were still in her eyes but new fluid was filling them quickly. She looked at the ground and started to shake. I walked over to her and took my pregnant girlfriend into my arms. She held on tight to my shirt and cried into my chest.

" I'm sorry." She sobbed and I pulled her closer and patted her back.

"Calm down and tell me whats going on." I said and she shook her head.

"A- Arctica, She killed he-her". She sobbed and I looked at the girls in confusion.

"Has she been taking her medicine?" Ally asked and I looked at her confused.

"Why does she take medicine?" I asked they shook their heads.

"Take her upstairs and we will be there in a little while." Dinah told me and I pulled Camila into the house. I pulled her up the stairs and when we passed Arcticas room she walked over to the door and rested her hand on top of it.

"I killed her." She said and I shook my head and grabbed her hand.

"Camila she's just sleeping. " I told her and she shook her head. I pulled her small body to me and rocked her from side to side.

"Look baby." I said and slowly pushed open the door. Camila turned her head into the dark room where you could hardly make out the outline of Arctica's body.

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