Chapter 6

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Two days later.

"Mommy mommy ake up ake up. I four!" Arctica yelled jumping on the bed between Camila and I. Opened my eyes and seen my daughter jumping up and down smiling.

"Mama's here for my birthday!" She yelled and jumped on Camila who laughed.

"Yes I am baby girl happy birthday." She said and kissed her nose.

"Mommy no leave on my birthday?" She asked and Camila shook her head.

"I won't leave you baby girl." She said and Camila looked at me and smiled.

"Hey babes why don't you go get dressed." I said and Arctica nodded and ran to her room.

"For warning. The girls will be here in a hour." Camila told me and I nodded.

"Why are they coming?" I asked and she shrugged.

"They said they wanted to see you." She told me and I nodded. I got up and took a quick shower before getting dressed. I walked down stairs and made Arctica some banana waffles. I made me blueberry waffles and Camila banana waffles.

"Mommy I want Cake!' Artica yelled and I shook my head.

"Not now it is to early." I told her and she pouted.

"Here I made you banana waffles." I told her and her face lit up.

"Tank you mommy!" She yelled and jumped into her seat. I kissed her head and smiled.

On this day four years ago my life changed forever.

"Mommy no cry.'' Arctica said and I shook my head. She gave me a funny looked and I laughed.

" I'm happy baby girl." I said and grabbed her cup and filled it with milk.

"Why?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Because I have you." I told her and I looked back and she nodded.

"I happy because I have you to." She told me and started to eat her food.

"Don't get sticky." I told her and she smiled shoving some food in her mouth.

"To Late mommy.' She said with syrup dripping down her face. I sighed and grabbed a wipe and cleaned her off. I quietly ate my food but Camila never came down. Arctica was still content on eating so I left her in her chair and walked upstairs. I opened my door and heard my voice on the t.v.

" Hi mama, say hi mama." I looked over and seen that I was in the middle of the floor playing with Arctica when she was about 6 months  old. She was sitting up and I was pulling and pushing her hands making her laugh.

"Say Hi mama.'I repeated and my dad zoomed in the camera so it was just on my daughter. She wrinkled her eyes and moved her mouth.

" mamamamama." She said and I smiled looking at the video. In the video my hands cupped my mouth and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Mama." She yelled again and I looked at the camera in tears. I picked up my daughter and told her I was so proud of her.

"I missed that." I looked at the bed and seen Camila with rosie cheeks. I sighed and nodded my head.

"Yeah  you did." I said and she shook her head.

"I should have never let you push me to music." She said and I sat beside her and pushed play.

"See camz she can do it!" I said looking at the camera Camilas head shot up and looked at the screen with me as everything was quiet for  a while. Just me holding Arctica. Kissing her head over and over.

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