chapter 18

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Lauren's pov.

"What?" I said and she looked down. Her brown eyes met mine and you could see the fear that she had when she was about to have Arctica present in her eyes.

"Its to early." She said and she started to Panic. I grabbed her hand  calmly and shook my head.

"No 32 weeks is common for twins you know that." I said and she shook her head and tears fell down the sides of her face.

"No Lauren its 35-42. One of them only weighs 4 pounds it won't make it, their lungs aren't developed, I can't." She said and started freaking out.

"Look at me, calm down and we will go to the hospital, please calm down." I said and I braced her into my body and helped her stand. Half way back to the cabin. Camila was in tears, normally it will take 8-12 hours before someone is in actual labor but Camila can't walk any more.

'Lauren please stop." She Sobbed and her knees buckled. I made her stand back up and picked her up bridal style and held her as tight as I could all the way to the first clearing.

'Laur it hurts please stop." She sobbed. I looked around and seen that there was a cabin with lights on.

"Just a little further Camila please just hold on." I said and she scraim. I ran as fast as I could towards the lights.

"Help please help." I yelled as Camila sobbed in my arms. But the closer I got to the lights the more I seen that it was just a shack that they kept supplies in. The door was locked but I had to get Camila in some where and my arms were on fire, I don't know how much further I can carry her. I kicked the door several times before it finally opened. As soon as it did I rushed over to to the middle of the floor and sat her down.

"Call 911." She said and I grabbed my phone and realised we have no service. I looked at Camila and she had her eyes closed and she was sweating so bad her hair was sticking to her face. I slammed the door shut and walked around the storage center and found a bucket some towels and blankets. It looks like these babies are making their arrival today. As I let the bucket fill with hot water I looked for some way to contact the emergency services but their was nothing. I quickly texted Dinah our location because if my phone gets service while this is happening.

'Ahhhh." I chuckle a bit at her helping because I remember that she refused any medication when she had Arctica. I grabbed the bucket and washed my hands in scolding hot water. I quickly made my way back in to the room where Camila was she her eyes widened.

"I will be OK, calm down and do exactly what I say and you will be OK. It will all be over in a few minutes." I told her and she sniffled and nodded. She sat up and put her hair up in a messy bun and took a deep breath.

"Ok, let's do it." She said and I pulled her pants off. When she raised her legs to put them on the floor I thought I was going to pass out. I mean don't get me wrong I have seen her before but during Labor nothing looks the same. Now everything is stretched and their is a head tempting to come out. I put a towel down on the floor and pre paired my self to never look at a woman's cat ever again. I looked up at Camila and she was in tears, she was in so much pain and she was going to have to do it twice.

"Just breath." I said and she nodded her head. Right as I was about tell her to push the door flew open and Dinah Normani and Ally ran into the room with Arctica asleep on Normani's hip.

"Moni take her out of here." I said not even giving them time to do anything.

"What the hell she said call 911 not bring the troops Dinah!" Camila yelled. She was pissed and I can understand why.

'Just calm down mila." Dinah said and put a hand on my shoulder and nodded.

"Keep her calm and let us help you, you faint when you see blood so please go sit by Camila and keep her calm." Dinah said and I nodded and scooted over to Camila's side.

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