chapter 9

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Camilas pov.

"Dinah can you hurry up!" I yelled as we sat in the LA traffic.

"I can only go as fast as the car in front of me. Calm down well be there in a few minutes." Dinah said and I shook my head and sighed. I grabbed my purse and looked at Dinah who was looking for a way around the traffic.

"You love me even if I do something stupid right?" I asked and Dinah nodded looking over her shoulder for oncoming traffic.

"Good." I said and opened the door. I heard Dinah yelling at me but all I did was turn around and wave. I had to get to that hospital to see my daughter and Lauren. I ran as fast as I could ignoring the fact that my lungs were screaming for air. Half way down the highway I needed to stop but I couldn't I needed to get there. There were cars honking and people yelling at me but right now I could care less. Once I made it to the parking lot my heart was pounding and air became harder to find. I held my breath keeping in the carbon dioxide trying to steady my breath. I walked into the front doors of the hospital and seen a girl sitting at the information desk.

"Hi can you tell me where Arctica Jauregui is please?" I asked but I guess she didn't hear me. I waited a second before it became obvious that she was not listening to me.

"Excuse me?" I said and she looked at me and then looked back at her nails.

"I NEED TO FIND MY DAUGHTER SHE IS HAVING A HEART SURGERY NOW PLEASE GET OFF OF YOUR LAZY ASS AND HELP ME!" I yelled and she flinched and started typing the information into the computer.

"She is in surgery right now but the surgery waiting room is down this hall and to your left." She said and I smiled.

"Thanks for doing your job." I spat and walked down the hall. When I entered the room I didn't see Lauren anywhere. I took a seat by the counseling door and waited for her but she never came back.

"There's a chapel around the corner and we have on hand counselors in there. I will do my best." A doctor said and stepped out of the consultant room. I looked up and the man gave me a small smile before making his way to the back where they perform surgery. The person in the room never came out and Lauren never came back. Slowly I got up and opened the door and seen Lauren staring at the wall blankly. There were a million things running through her mind but at the same time she couldn't process a thing. I squatted in front of her and took her hands into mine, she never fixed her gaze to meet mine. I studied her face and seen her lip slightly quivering and a single tear rolled down her cheek. I took the pads of my thumbs and pushed them over her cheeks and then she moved her eyes to look at me. A smile fell across her face and she stood up bring me to my feet and pulled me into a hug.

"What's wrong?" I asked her and pushed some hair out of her face.

"Nothing, he just informed me that this could be her last surgery if I let him do and experimental process on her. Its a Lazar technique that breaks down the bone and tissue making room for the heart to grow normally but the problem is that it has only been done on older people. It has been a successful every time, he has preformed the surgery and it is high risk but where Arctica is young the risk is higher and her percentage of her not making it increases. I don't want her to see the inside of a hospital for the rest of her life so I gave him the OK to do the surgery." She told me and all I heard was the percentage of her not making it was higher.

"So You gave him the right to kill our daughter?" I said and she shook her head.

"What? No didn't you hear anything else?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No." I said.

"She will be ok. He promised that the surgery will go normal as long as she fights." She told me and I nodded.

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