chapter 11

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Lauren's pov.

I woke up the next morning with Camila. I sat up and looked for Arctica but when I seen she wasn't in the room and I panicked.

"Camila wake up I can't find Arctica." I said and threw the blanket off of me but she grabbed my arm.

"Your parents came and got her about a hour ago. Come lay down please?" She asked and I nodded and quickly wrapping my arms around her. Her long brown hair was tied up in a bun and she had on a long white shirt and some very short shorts. We should be using this time to talk or sleep but I have something different in mind.

I shift my hips pressing my hardened member to her butt.

"Lo." She whined and turned around.

"Please, don't take it the wrong way but  I don't have the energy to keep up with you." She told me and I smiled

" But I do want to do something." I told her and started biting her shoulder.

"I want to see if you can be quite. They say the quieter you are the harder the orgasm." I said and laid on her back. I got on my knees in front of her and stripped her shirt.

"No bra camz?" I asked and took her hardened nipple into my mouth. As I got her panties off and started playing with her folds her eyes widen and she pushed me off of her and ran to the bathroom. I sighed and stood up and I grabbed a blanket and walked into the bathroom as Camila dry heaved into the toilet. I walked behind her naked body and put the blanket around her. Nothing came up but she was a emotional wreck. I leaned against the tub and made Camila sit with her head against my chest as I rocked her.

"Its OK baby." I whispered and she nodded. I rested my hand on her small stomach and rubbed patterns over top of it.

"I guess no sex with this baby." I joked and Camila sighed.

"Yeah." She told me I kissed her head and stood up with her in my arms. She brushed her teeth and then I picked her up and laid her down on the bed and wrapped the covers around her.

"I'm going to go get some food for you to eat because I know you have to be hungry." I told Camila as I rested my hand on her stomach and kissed her head. She smiled and quickly nodded her head.

"I want some eggs please. O no I want pancakes. No wait is cake an option?" Camila asked and I laughed.

"I'll see what I can do goof ball." I said as she grabbed my arm once again and drug me back to her.

"I love you Lauren, and I mean that with every fiber of my being. I really do love you." Camila said and I smiled.

" I really love you too." I told her and kissed her head. As I turned away she let her fingertips travel from where they were tell our two fingers locked together but soon I was to far out of reach. A small smile leaped across my face as I closed the door and made my way to the lobby. As the elevator doors opened I walked over to the attractions desk and asked the clerk some simple questions.

"Hi." I smiled and ran my fingers through my hair.

"H-Hi." The teen boy stuttered out. He looked to be about 16-17 and for what I wanted I needed flattery will have to work.

"I need passes to the top of the Effial tower." I said and he cleared his throat and shook his head.

"Um I-I can't do-do that." He said and I sighed and leaned over the desk a little making my boobs press up making them look bigger.

"Are you sure can you please try one more time?" I asked nicely and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry." I sighed and stood up level headed and shook my head. Normally I don't play the slutty card but I needed to do something nice for Camila.

My responsibility (Camren) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now