chapter 4

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Lauren's pov.

When I woke up I had my arms wrapped securely around Camila as she held on to her daughter. When they sleep both of them would leave there mouth slightly open and would wrinkle there nose. Looking between the two I know I would freeze time right now so this moment would last forever. I pulled Camila closer to me. Normally I don't wake up like this. Well to be honest it hasn't happened In over three years. I push my self against her and laid my head on the pillow. If I could wake up like this every morning with Camila in my bed believe me I would. I felt the bed shift and heard a small whimper come from Arctica.

"Mama." She said and the whimper turned into a cry. I got out of bed and took her from Camila's arms I picked her up and patted her back as she cried.

"Hey now use your words." I said and she nodded.

"Mommy can't stay. I will wake up one day and she gone. She doesn't love me." Arctica said . I kissed her head and she squeezed my neck.

"She loves you very much that is why she had to leave. But enjoy your time with her because she wants the time with you. " I told her and she nodded.

"I want pizza." She said and I laughed shaking my head.

"Let me guess Hawaiian" I said and she nodded. I laughed and walked downstairs and wiped off the island taking everything off if it. I layed out some non stick paper and made my own pizza dough. I grabbed one of the jars if tomato sauce and the cheese from the fridge. I made out three small pizzas and gave Arctica a spoon. She put all of the sauce on evenly as I cut the pineapples and everything else. I slid the pizzas in the oven and my daughter laughed.

"Messy." She said looking at her hands and her clothes. I kissed her head and laughed as she gave me a discussing look when she touched the tomato sauce.

"Why don't you go wake Camila up and tell her that you need a bath.", I said and touched her nose making sure some flower stuck to it. She laughed and pressed her nose against mine.

"You're the best mommy In the world." She told me and wrapped her small arms around my neck. I hugged her tight and smiled.

"Well your the best daughter in the world.' I told her and she nodded.

" I know." She laughed and slipped out of my arms and ran upstairs. I laughed and turned around and cleaned up the mess. I threw the jars away along with the non stick paper and put the left over pineapple in the fridge. I made some coffee and poured my self some as I sat on the counter waiting for the food to finish. Once the timer went off I pulled the pizzas out of the oven and cut them into slices. I pushed them back into the counter so they wouldn't get knocked off. I grabbed some apple juice for Arctica and poured Camila some orange juice. I coud never understand it but Camila could drink orange juice with anything. I sat the glasses on the table and walked upstairs to check on the girls.

"Mommy say I just like you." Arctica tells Camila as she clips her own bow in her long hair. Camila laughed and nodded.

"Well you are just like the old me. But I don't really care for the skirts and bows any more." Camila said fixing Arctica's skirt.


"Because when your mama left she took part of me with her. She took my innocent side." Camila said Arctica hugged her.

"You took half of mama's too. She said the same thing." Camila smiled and nodded.

"I love you Arctica." Camila said and she stood there froze.

"Love me?" Arctica said and Camila nodded.

"More than anything in this world." Camila told her and pressed her lips to her head.

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