chapter 5

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Lauren's pov.

I quickly got up and put on my pants panicking.

" Lauren! " Camila yelled at me and wrapped the sheet around her self. I shook my head and continued to Panic.

"Lauren stop and look at me. You never worried about it before why start now?" She said and I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

"Just push it out or something, go to the bathroom and sit in a tub of water." I told her and she shook her head.

"Let's be happy the roles aren't switched because you would be pregnant." She told me and laughed. I looked at her and gave her a dirty look then her face softened.

"The first time it happened you got pregnant, the rest we didn't worry about because it couldn't have been any worse." I said and she grabbed my hand.

"That's not why you are panicking." She told me and I sighed sitting on the bed she took my hands into hers and looked straight into my eye's.

"I can't do it by my self again. You have no clue what my life has been like for the past three years. Given I wouldn't change a thing because I have Arctica but I can't raise another child by my self." I said and she sighed and stood up.

"I'm not leaving you again." She said and I nodded in agreement but there was more.

"Camila you have been back in my life for 5 days. I don't know anything about you anymore nor do you about me. I'm so stupid when it comes to you, you make me forget everything around me and I forget important stuff. I don't want to make a mistake." I told her and she looked pissed.

"So Arctica is a mistake?!" She said and I shook my head.

"If there is one thing that child is not its a mistake. If anything she was a miracle." I told her and walked out of the room. I don't know where I was going but I was getting the hell away from Camila. I pushed the lobby button in the elevator and walked out of the front door and down the street. What the hell did I do? Why would I do something so stupid especially when I could lose her tomorrow. I walked around a small park for a few hours thinking about everything. I practically blew up on Camila with out giving her a chance to talk. I never took into the consideration that she could be hurt from this to. She could have her kid taken from her again. She could miss out in two of her children's lives. I never thought about how she would feel about this. As I sat on a bench the sun was going down and was kissing the lake that I was looking at. Everything just seemed so much cooler now that I calmed down and realized that I was in the wrong just as much as Camila. I got up and slowly made my way back to the hotel. As I walked down the road I looked into a drug store and seen some brown hair that looked familiar. I walked in and sure enough Camila was walking out putting something in her purse. She wasn't watching where she was going and she ran straight into me. I grabbed her before she could fall and pulled her into my chest. She tried to push me away but soon relaxed realizing it was me.

"Lauren let me go." She said wiggling out of my arms. Her voice was rough and her face was blushed.

"What did you just get?" I asked her and she pushed past me and walked down the street.

"Camila look at me!" I said and grabbed her arm making her turn around. People stopped in the street and looked at us and started to whisper.

"You're getting what you want Lauren, you won't be having any more kids." She said and covered her mouth and started walking again. I looked around and there was people looking at Camila and I. As she walked off I could tell that she was upset with me but we can't have this conversation here. I caught back up with her. I just gave up on a conversation and walked beside her. She looked up at me and her heart instantly broke. I know this isn't the best time but I can't stand her being mad at me.

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