chapter 17

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Lauren's pov.

"Your daughter will be fine she maybe cold for a while but there is nothing wrong with her." The doctor told me. I sighed in relief because the sleeping child on my chest would be OK. Arctica has been so cold that they have her under 4 hot blankets. She has her head barred into my neck and her hands are pulled into my shirt.

"Will she be sick?" I asked and she shrugged.

"There is a chance that she will develop pneumonia or a cold. But keep her warm and keep up with the antibiotics and she will be OK. " the doctor said and left the room. I took a deep breath and kissed Arctica's head. I can not believe that she hit me, this child doesn't have a mean bone in her body. We asked Ally what happened and she told us that Troy never hit her. But Arctica won't lie about something like that. But with out proof that he did it, she did it on her own and she has to be punished somehow, plus she ran away. But at the same time I spanked her for the first time so I tried to fix a non hitting situation with spanking.

"Arctica wake up, we can go home." I whispered but she stayed still. I sighed and unwrapped her from under all the blankets and stood up. I walked past Adams room and seen his mom crying. I walked over to the door and knocked on it and I quickly realized that he was not in the room.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head.

"His fingers were frostbitten and their not sure if he will be able to keep them. He sacrificed his own warmth for her." She said and I looked down at Arctica.

"I don't know if I'm supposed to say I'm sorry or not, because I'm.happy their is nothing wrong with my daughter but I'm also upset that he got hurt because of her." I said and the blonde nodded her head.

"I just want to know what parent lets their 4 year old run away." She spat at me.

"The same kind that lets their 9 year old run away." I said and she shook her head.

"If you would have been watching your kid none of this would have ever happened to them! Its your fault my son is in here! Its that shellfish little brat that stold his warmth!" She yelled and Arctica started to wake up.

"Mama." She said and I nodded.

"Yeah baby were going home." I said and Kassey (Adams mom) stood up.

"I hope you get sick or you get some pay back." She said and my blood boiled.

"Mommy where's Adam?" She asked and Kassey stepped up to me.

"That's none of your business." She said and I almost slapped her but I can't do that in front of my daughter.

"I hope your son gets well soon." I said and walked away. I hugged Arctica close and she cuddled into my chest.

"Can I go by mommy?" She asked and I nodded.

"Of course baby girl, she was worried about you." I said and made way across the snowy yard. The resort hospital was on the opposite side of where I cabin was. Once I got to the cabin Camila rushed over to me and engulfed us into a hug.

"O my god baby are you OK?" She said and pushed some hair away from Arctica's face.

"She is fine as long as we keep her warm and keep up with her medicine." I said and she sighed.

"What are you doing up?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I couldn't sleep with out knowing if she is safe." Camila said and I kissed her head.

"She's OK, I told you that we would find them." I said.

"How's Adam?" She asked and I just shook my head.

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