chapter 19

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Camilas pov.

Last night I slept on the couch and took care of the girls. Lauren has tried talking to me but I don't want to talk to her. I don't know why but I just can't stand to be around her. I walked into Arctica's room and sat out her clothes for the day.

"Arctica wake up." I said and she let out a whimper.

"No mommy." She said and I slapped the end of the bed.

'Get up I won't ask again!" I yelled and Arctica yelped and sat up. Her lip Trembled and I shook my head.

"Just get up!" I yelled again and she flinched. Her brown eyes filled with fear because I never scraim at her. She started to cry and it just made me madder.

"Get up!" I yelled and grabbed the covers off of her and grabbed her so she was standing in the floor. She let out a blood heartening scream and started sobbing. Lauren ran into the room and seen my grip on Arctica and pushed me away as our daughter sobbed into her chest.

"God your such a drama queen!" I yelled and went to grab Arctica to put her clothes on her but Lauren pushed me away.

"What is wrong with you she's a kid!" Lauren yelled and Arctica put her hand over her chest.

"So she's going to fake an attack because she wants to get out of trouble." I said and Lauren sat arctica down and moved closer to me.

"Get out!" She yelled in my face and for some reason the rage in me escaped and I slapped her. Her eyes widened and my heart sank to my stomach.


"No, don't." She said and picked up Arctica and walked into Zoey's room. I ran my hands through my hair and shook my head I have no clue what I have done, but one thing is for sure that I regretted what I did. I ran after Lauren and she walked out of Choles room with both babies in a car seat and some bags packed.

"Lauren please don't do this." I begged but she didn't even glance at me. Arctica followed behind her but I stopped her and she froze in fear. I ran my hands down her hair and creased her face.

'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I said and she started to cry. I felt arms stand me up and push me to the side and seen Lauren make Arctica go down the steps.

"Lauren stop!" I begged but she didn't respond, I followed her out the door and once she put Chloe in her seat and walked on the other side to do the same with Zoey. I tried to get my daughter out of the car but Lauren wouldn't let me.

"Get away from her now!" Lauren yelled and pushed me back, she closed the door and locked it.

"I'm sorry I don't know what happened!" I sobbed but she put her hands up and stepped away.

"I was crazy coming back to you! I knew that somehow you would mess everything up!" She yelled. I looked in the car and seen Arctica crying and her eyes were closed. I stepped around Lauren and put my hands in the window and tried to calm her down but Lauren made me step back.

"Get away from her." She said and got in the drivers side and backed out of the drive way. I chased after her only to be met with two arms wrapping around my body.

"What's going on?" Normani asked as I collapsed to the ground and sobbed. She sat on the side walk and held me as I sobbed in her arms.

"Its OK." She whispered and I hid in her chest and shook my head.

"Its not OK!" I yelled and she hugged me as tight as she could and whispered soft things to me.

"What happen Mila what's going on?" She asked and I took in some shaky breaths.

My responsibility (Camren) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now