chapter 3

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Camila's pov.

The same night.

"Mila you OK?" Dinah said pulling back the blankets and sliding in with me. I rolled over and she pulled me close to her chest and rubbed my back. Even though she hasn't told me anything she at least tries to help me in some way. She'll let me sit there and yell, and she kept her promise to Lauren to tell me everything is OK even when it's not.

"I want my baby.' I said and she sighed patting my back.

" Please DJ can't you tell me something about her? Can't you show me something. I don't think I'll live with out something. I need her I need Lauren. You don't know what it is like to have the love of your life ripped away from you along with a child that you carried for 9 months inside of you and still not know her name. " I said. I started to hit her chest and she pulled me closer taking every blow I had to offer.

"I need them." I said and she nodded.

"She looks just like you. I really don't know how Lauren does it everyday practically staring you in the face. She is gorgeous Mila." I smiled because that's more than I have got from them in over a two years. I can be content with that for now but tomorrow I am risking it all to see the two of them.


"Bye cheche," Dinah said walking towards her gate. I smiled and kissed her cheek and hugged everyone goodbye. I bought a plane ticket to Miami so as far as anybody knows that's where I am going. Lauren stayed in LA to stay as close as possible if I wanted to see either of them. I walked to my gate and looked around making sure I could make my way out of the airport.

"I can't find your puppy baby." I looked over at the voice and my heart stopped. Lauren was standing there with a little girl in her arms. Lauren has definitely developed over the years and she is smoking hot. Her hair grew to her waist and her skin is now tan. Not pail like it use to be. Her green eyes still hypnotize me with there maze if simplicity.

"But mama." The little girl argued and that was it. That was the first time I seen my child in three and a half years. Lauren turned and I made eye contact with the small girl. She definitely had my skin tone and all of my facial features but there was glimpses of Lauren that made her absolutely adorable. The little girl waved at me I smiled at her for the first time in Forever. Lauren sat her down and I was amazed at how the child was dressed. She had her hair pulled back with a white bow on her head and a lace top with two inch straps. Her shirt was tucked into a simple pink skirt and her shoes were sandals that came up to her knee.

"No cry." The child said walking away from Lauren as she searched through small back pack. The little girl walked over to me and pulled on my shirt. Hesitantly I squatted down and she pressed her small hand to my face taking the tears away.

"Its Not nice to cry." She said and I nodded. Why am I surprised that her vocabulary is so good? I mean she is with Lauren so I would expect nothing less. I gently brushed my finger across her cheeks and she laughed. With out hesitation she wrapped her small arms around me and pulled me into a child's hug.

"Arctica?' Lauren yelled and a smile crossed my face. She remembered. I pulled away from the small girl and pointed at Lauren.

"Your mom is looking for you." I told her and she turned around only to be met with a crowd of people making their way off of a plane.

"Arctica!" Lauren yelled frantically looking for her daughter. Someone wasn't looking where they were going and accidentally pushed the brown haired child to the floor.

"Mommy." She cried and I know I should bring her to Lauren but I can't.

I can't just show up with her child in my arms smiling after all of these years. I look back up at Lauren and she is in tears trying to find her daughter.

My responsibility (Camren) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now