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Lauren's pov.

I woke up and it was just Camila and I in bed. Her head was rested on the pillow next to mine and my hand was on her hip. I smiled and brushed her hair out of her face. She wrinkled her eyebrows and slowly opened her eyes.

"Cold." She mumbled and snuggle into me. I chuckled and pulled her to me. She inhaled my sent sighed.

"I wish I could stay here forever." She said and I nodded.

"You have to go back today." I told her and she pulled away and proper her self up on  her elbow.

"Yeah  I know." she said and sighed.

"How do you think Arctica is going to take it?" She asked and I shrugged.

"She'll be hurt. She may feel abandoned but you will be home tonight right?" I asked and she nodded.

"I don't know what time, you know how it goes. I could be home at 10 or I could be home at 5 and have to leave by 8." She said and I nodded.

" Yeah  I know we will figure something out I promise." She nodded and then our door opened.

"Mama." Arctica said and I looked over and seen her standing there with her stuffed animal.

"Hey baby good morning." I said and sat up. She walked to the bed and lifted her arms like she was a chicken.

"Mommy sad?" She asked and Camila looked at me and we both nodded at each other.

"Arctica you know that I love you with all of my heart right?" Camila asked and she nodded and gave her a weird look leaning into me.

"Well I have to go back to work today, but I promise to come back home OK?" Arctica nodded and got under our covers and hid in my shirt and threw the blankets over her head.

"Baby look at us." I said but got no response. I pulled her closer and patted her small back above the cover.

"I need to get going." Camila said.

"You haven't even eaten breakfast." I said and she sat up and nodded.

" I know but we over slept " she said  putting her hair in a messy bun, and she slipped on her flip flops.

She was frantically moving around the room but I knew that she was just trying to act like Arctica's silence  didn't hurt her. I got out of bed and kissed Arctica's head and told her I will be right back. She let go of me and I seen her body shift so she could hold her bear. I put my hands on Camila's shoulders and sighed. I grabbed her bag and nodded to the door. She looked at Arctica and shook her head. I got the hint and walked out the door so they could talk.

Camila's pov.

I laid back down in the bed but this time on Lauren's side so Arctica was facing me.

"Hey." I said and climbed under the cover and put the blanket over my head. She didn't have tears running down her face but she looked hurt.

"I will come back I promise. I won't leave you again." I told her and she rolled over away from me.

"Bye Camila." She said and curled up in a ball. Seeing her this hurt and cold to me made me realize that I hurt her so bad in the past.

"I love you baby girl." I said and kissed her head.

"I'll see you tonight." I said and got out of bed. I walked down stairs and seen Lauren standing by the door.

"Did she talk to you?" She asked.

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