chapter 12

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Lauren's pov.

"Camila wake up." I sobbed out as I took one of her hands into mine.

"Don't you dare leave me. I need you here." I told her but her body stayed still. Her normally tan skin looked so much lighter. Her brown hair was now drenched in blood and her breathing was shallow.

"Camila please." I said and kissed head.

"Come on you have to come back to me. Open your eyes look at me please Camila." I sobbed. Soon the road was filled with spectators and an ambulance arrived. When they got there they immediately put her in a neck brace and put her on a hard red board to keep her spine in line.

"Sarge she's lost a lot of blood. The open wound is about 3 inches big but not to deep. Her wrist seems broken and she is unresponsive." I looked in between the two paramedics and the older gentleman looked at me. He walked over to me and escorted me to the back of the ambulance.

"Does your friend have any medical problems?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"She's pregnant. She is only four months  please save the two of them." I said and he let out a frustrated sigh.

"I have to be honest. In most of the case's I have seen there the child doesn't make it and fairly uncommon that the mother will make it out alive." He told me and I broke back down into tears.

"I need you to tell me what you seen." He told me and sat his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know I yelled for her to get out if the way and when she went to move the car swerved into her. They never slowed down they just kept going. She was bleeding so much and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't do anything!" I yelled and the doors to the ambulance opened.

"Call for a transfer. We don't have the supplies for her at our hospital." They pushed Camila into the Ambulance and and her hair was spelled out to the side. Her body looked lifeless as her hand dropped over the edge of  the bed.

"You can't give her anything she's pregnant. We have to be sure that the fetus is disease before you do that." He said grabbing the man's hand before he put the needle into her arm.

"If we don't she is going to die."

"Dont do it!" The man yelled and the EMT shook his head.

"Fine." On the way to the hospital I held Camilas hand praying she would find the strength to squeeze it.

"Lauren?" I heard a voice say and I looked up but Camilas eyes were still closed.

"I'm here camz open your eyes please." I said but she didn't.

"I can't." She whispered and tears flooded from the closed lids.

"Hey stop that you are going to be alright." I told her and she sobbed. Her brought her hands to her head and cried.

"Hey stop what's wrong?" I asked but she kept sobbing.

"What if its gone? What if I killed the baby." She said and I shook my head and ran my thumb over the back of her hand.

"It will be OK. If that baby is anything like you it will be OK." I told her and she closed her eyes.

"I'm so tired." Camila said and the paramedic looked at her and took her other hand.

"Don't you dare fall asleep. You are having a baby and if your breath slows down before we can tell if it is alright it will die. Look at your girlfriend. She loves you and you need to hold on and stay awake do not let go." He told Camila and she nodded.

"Is there anything wrong with her?' I asked and he shook his head.

"she seems to be OK other than the fading in and out of consciousness, I thought her wrist isn't broke I can't be sure till some test are done." He said and I nodded.

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