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Sequel is up its called The True test of love.

Camilas pov.

Today is the day I get to marry Lauren. I finally get to be hers and she gets to be mine. I look at my self in the mirror and smile at the simple girl in front of me standing in A regular small shirt, and some short sleeper shorts. Its been a while since I have had a bed to myself I enjoyed it but I miss Lauren. I ran my hands down my body satisfied with my life. Everyone knows that I am not one who wants to work out but the last three months I have gotten my body back and I am more than pleased with it. I sat down and looked into the mirror and a stupid smile spread across my face.


When they were 16.

"Camila slow down!" Lauren yelled as a ran away down the street. We decided that we wanted to go for a walk at night and she decided that it would be funny to try and tickle me. She would wrap her arms around me and gently dig her fingers into my skin and I would erupt in laughter. I stopped under a spot light and waited for Lauren.

"Lolo?" I yelled but she wasn't on the street any more.

"Hey." I heard her say and felt her arms hug me from behind as she rocked us back and forth. I smiled and bit my lip as she turned me around in her arms. My heart fluttered as I looked into her eyes she pushed some hair behind my ear and glanced down at my lips. I smiled and nodded my head ever so slightly and she took that as her que to lean in. As my virgin lips touched hers I knew right then that I was hers. There was that crazy connection that made my head spin and it sat my heart on fire. As Lauren pulled back I kept my eyes closed and took in everything around me. The air felt cooler. The dark turned light and my heart swelled. I laid my head on her chest and squeezed her as tight as I could. When I opened my eyes I was met with the 6th street street sign.

End of flashback.

I let my hand graze over my lips at the memory and let out a breath chuckle.

"Mila are you ready?" I looked over my shoulder and seen Ally walking in with a small tray of food.

"I have been ready for 6 years. " I said and Ally smiled at me and sat the tray in a side table.

"I'm so proud of you Mila. I hope you
Know that. You fight for what you want and to me that's amazing." Ally told me and I gave her a small smile.

"Thank you Ally." I whispered.

"Hey what's wrong!" She asked and squatted down to look at me.

"Nothing, its just my life is going to change, Lauren and I are married. Moni wants to move to Texas and open a dance studio and you know Dinah will go with her. You want to move to Texas, I mean I'm happy we all know what we want but this is all that I have ever known and its crazy that I'm letting it go." I said and Ally nodded.

"But if you want me to be honest. You have my god daughter , I will follow you two where ever you go. So will Dinah and so will Normani the two of you hold something that the three if us care about.". She told me and I smiled.

"You guys would move to Miami?' I asked and Ally nodded.

" I'm where ever those babies are. " she said and I smiled.

"I don't think I ever thanked you for everything. You were always the one that kept us on track and told us what not to do and when we didn't listen you were there to catch us when we fell." I said and Ally patted my knee and nodded.

"And I would do it all again if it comes out the same way ." She said and stood up.

"So.. For old times sake, what's the schedule today?" I asked and she laughed

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