chapter 15

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Lauren's pov.

I have been awake for about 3 hours just watching Camila and Arctica sleep. Camila has her long brown hair up in a messy bun, and she has on a long sleeved gray sweater and black shorts. When I went to put Arctica to bed last night she wanted to be dressed just Like Camila and when she gets in her mind to do something there is no changing it. The two are cuddled up together and Arctica's face is hidden in between Camila's chin and breast. Slowly their chest rose and fell, in a beautiful Harmony. I looked at the clock and it was 6 in the morning. I sighed knowing that I would have to wake them up soon. Carefully I got out of bed and walked down the hall to Ally's room. I knocked on the door and slowly opened the door with a small squeak.

The room was dark but you could still see the outline of Ally's small body I the bed.

"Ally?" I said and she shifted and let out a small chuckle.

"I'm awake I'm just fighting the clock." She said and sat up in the bed and patted the spot by her.

"Come here." She said and I walked over to her bed and laid my head on her lap.

"No matter what I love you Lauren. We all do." She told me and I nodded.

"But what if Simon makes me leave you all? Camila won't ever forgive me." I whispered and she pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Look today is a Scarry day for all of us but we won't let it happen again. I was there the first time you talked to him and I will be there this time. You won't raise the kids alone again." She told me and I smiled.

"Mommy?' I lifted my head and seen Camila at the door with Arctica on her hip. Camila gave me a small smile and I returned it with just as much doubt.

" Mommy. " Arctica said again and laid her head in Camila's chest. I sighed and thanked Ally before I got up and walked over to my girlfriend and child. I kissed Arctica's head and grabbed Camilas hand and walked down stairs to make a small breakfast.

"I'm just going to have cereal is that alright with you nugget?" I asked Arctica and she nodded never leaving Camila's arms.

"You have to let go to eat baby." I told her and she looked and Camila and Camila sat down in the chair and pulled the food to her.

"Here I'll sit with you." She told Arctica and I slid another bowl to her full of Cheerios.

"Is unkie Simon going to make mommy leave?" Arctica asked and Camila and I looked at each other.

"Arctica." I sighed and she nodded.

"Ok mommy." She said and looked at me. Even though I didn't give her a answer she knew where I was going with it.

I turned my head and looked off of the back porch at the large back yard. If I were to look at Camila or Arctica right now I would burst into tears.

"You know were sitting here thinking the worst when he could be willing to help us." Camila said and I shook my head.

"Camz, he said that nothing good will come of this. There's not much room for hope." I said and I felt her grab my hand.

"I am not leaving you. I don't care what he says I will not leave you or our children." She said and I turned and looked at her. She gave me a small smile and Arctica was laying back on her chest.

"Mommy what does snow look like?" Arctica asked and Camila and I looked at each other and chuckled at the changing in conversation.

"Well its white." I laughed and she smiled.

"Pure?" She asked and I nodded.

"Can love be pure?" She asked and Camila laughed..

"Where are you going with this?" She asked and I looked over and seen Dinah standing in the door way smiling.

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