Chapter 7

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The next morning you woke up and you got a call Finney woke up and picked up the phone. "Do u know who you are?" Finney said really annoyed. "What the sh!t kind of question is that?! Do you even know who you are?!?!" You heard from how load he said it. "I'm finney blake." Well nice to f*cking meet you finney. This is it." "This is what?" "The horrifying nightmare end to you're pathetic little life." "Holy sh!t you're Vance hopper. I remember you you used to scare me. "What the grabber has seen what I had done that was it and he took his time with me to." "What did u do?" "I'm getting to that cu** and wad." (I have a feeling I said that wrong but ye what I mean.😭)  "there an hollow wall in sh!tt*3r. Dig through it and there's a freezer you've got to break it open." "Thanks."(Finney) "For what?" (Vance) "helping me?"(finney) "helping you this isn't about you. F*CK HIM!" He hung up the phone and it echoed you and finney covered your ears and fell to the ground glass shattered everywhere you're ears where bleeding and all you could hear was ringing. You and Finney screamed from how painful the sound was. After the ringing stopped you and finneys ears felt like they where bleeding. You walked over the the wall and started digging with the toilet cover thing. It obviously was drilled in you took apart the toilet and found a peace that would work. You tried to break it open the hardest you could over and over again nothing worked finney fell to the floor crying as you comforted him. "Finn it's okay we'll get out I swear at least I'll make sure u will." "No if you get out I get out with you idc what you say." He said and slightly stoped crying. You  wiped his tears as the phone started ringing. He walked over. "Hey buddy don't cry." (YES IK THIS DONT MAKE SCENE BUT PRETEND THAT ROBIN DID ANYTHING THAT HE COULD AND CALLED EVERY NUMBER HE HAD.)  "robin?" Finney said "I'm not crying." "Yes you are I can tell." "IS THAT ROBIN?!?!" You yelled. "Yes it's me y/n." "How can you talk to us?.." Finney was confused. He helped you learn to fight and he told you to use the phone and what to do with it. You practiced and practiced over and over again until you got it right. He hung up and cut the cord and filled it with dirt. Finn sat his rocket on the top of the phone. Some dude opened the door this wasn't the grabber but someone else? "Holy Mary mother of god. I knew he was Hiding something down here but wow." He said and looked you you both. "Please help me call the cops my sister my dad idc just someone!" Finney cried out. "Woah dude chill he's not home he had to go to work. Hey do you u wanna know the story on how I found you man?" He said proudly and opened the door more and an axe went through his skull. You and finney screamed at the top of your lungs. "Look what you made me do. You made me kill my brother." The grabber looked at him with the bloody axe through his head. "No no! That wasn't me I sw-." The grabber cut him of with talking the axe out of his head. You and finney was traumatized from what just happened. "Normally I would use a knife but you are special y/n and finney. I want this to REALLY hurt." He held up the axe and ran toward you both and cut you in the arm you screamed In pain but ran to the trap with finney. You turned back for his rocket you knew he couldn't live without it. He fell in the trap and broke his ankle you kicked him a few times and finney punched him. He welded in pain but tried to grab finney he grabbed him and yanked him towards him but finney coked him. You kicked him nose and he screamed finney snapped his neck and he walked to you're arm. "Are you hurt?" "Not really I'm fine compared to him." You walked up the stairs and unlocked the lock 23317. Gwen ran to you. And robin ran to you and hugged you. "Thank you so much robin you cried out." "Np your my sister y/n I couldn't let you die." You smiled and and told the cops that he grabber is in the basement(sorry I forgot abt Samson the best actor." You handed finney his rocket and kissed him. But not on the cheek. On the lips for the first time. "Eww" Gwen laughed out. You walked to the car and covered up you rested you're head on finney "I'm really sorry. This was all my fault. I should have warned you or pulled you away." You told Him upset. "Hey, it's not your fault, I was the dumb one. I told him I wanted to she a magic trick." He said blaming him self. "No it's my fault- ." Robin cut you off hey can u quit it it's getting annoying. No it's my fault blah blah blah." He mocked you both joking. "You're so funny robin." Finney looked at him with a straight face. "Robin this isn't the right time." You said sarcastically to make sure he did t feel bad I mean he's the reason you got out. You would be able to get out with out him. You drove home Finney was too scared to go home so u robin Gwen and finn stayed over. You both ran to ur bedroom finn stayed up with you when you heard robin scream. You both ran to him room "WHAT HAPPEND ARE YOU OKAY?!" You yelled worried. "Yea I thought I heard a monster under my bed. "Dude you saved to people's like and helped killed a dude and you're scared a monsters gonna eat you?" Finney looked at you and laughed.


Finney blake x y/n  ~love story~Where stories live. Discover now