Chapter 15(fr fr

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Tw- blood gore and idk what else
No ones POV

You both just sat there for a while and waited for him to come back. You talked about how he could be alive. Btw u never came up with sum. He finally came back finney asked him. "I thought we killed you, how are you alive?!" He looked at Finney and smiled. "It's not obvious? I faked my death dumbass." He looked at you. "Why are u even down here?" You got pretty mad. "You kids are so dumb, I've got to kill you fast because u friend to kill me," he picked up the knife and ran to you.

You ran away but he grabbed your arm and cut it. You kicked him in the nuts and tripped. Finney just stood there in shock. Till he ran to you and pulled you out of the way as the grabber tried to stab you. "Thx Finn." U looked at him. The grabber finally stood up at ran to Finney he slashed his stomach pretty deep. You took off your jacket and threw it to him as he wrapped it around his cut.

The grabber ran to you and knocked you down. He stabbed you in the leg and you screamed in pain and Finney started tearing up "Y/N!" He screamed you kicked the grabbers nose and crawled away to the corner and the grabber got up and stabbed your stomach. You didn't scream or anything all u could hear was ringing and your vision going black. He stabbed you one more time and you heard Finney scream your name.

This was very short I just wanted to make u mad <33 289 words

Finney blake x y/n  ~love story~Where stories live. Discover now