Video Games

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Finn was playing video games with his friends. Then his boyfriend came in the room and sat on the couch. "Hey babe." Noah said. "Hey love." Finn said. Noah laid his head on Finns shoulder. "Can you teach me to play?" Noah asked. "Sure. Hold on." Finn tells his friends he's going to sign off.

"Okay." Finn said as he moves closer to Noah. He placed Noah's hands on the controller. Finn then placed his hands on top of Noah's. Noah blushed. "Okay so this is how you move." Finn said moving Noah's thumb.

Finn taught Noah how to play. Finn removed his hands and Noah was doing well on his own. "There you go." Finn said while kissing his head. Noah giggled and focused on the game. A few minutes later he lost.

Noah groaned loudly which caused Finn to laugh. "It's fine. Keep practicing." Finn said. Noah nodded and started on another game.

After a couple of times Noah won. "See? Not that hard." Finn said. Noah laughed and laid his head on Finns shoulder.

Finn sat Noah on his lap. Noah leaned closer and kissed Finns cheek and laid down.


These Oneshots aren't going to be very long. Just short and sweet!

Words: 207

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